Shout by dgw

Average episode rating for this season: 7.15384615

It was pretty sad watching the show set up a number of future storylines to explore, knowing that it would all end long before any hint of payoff. One wonders if the declining quality of the show motivated its creators to "move on", or if they were getting tired of this particular grind and let the quality slip as a result. Regardless, we should have heard a lot more from the Kim family.

Still unbelievable to me that the only spin-off of all this was focused on Shannon, of all characters. Building a spin-off around Janet or Kimchee would have made much more sense.

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This season was pretty underwhelming compared to the previous ones.

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If you loved this show then do yourself a favor. Skip the last four episodes of this season and go back and re-watch Season One. Let that be your parting memory of this show.

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The cancellation of this show feels like a crime. It stunningly poignant and made me actually laugh out loud. I'm not East Asian, but as an Asian-American woman myself, I found myself connecting with this adorable family in ways I normally am unable to with most American TV. Netflix/Canadian TV has lost something special, and the ["overwhelmingly white"] producers are to blame.

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this was such a good show ... i can’t believe they ended it in the worst way possible i’m so upset i feel like this was game of thrones 2.0 :/

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