[5.9/10] I don’t know that there’s anyone out there who said to themselves, “I like the original Star Wars triolgy, but you know what it needs? More Jar-Jar!” And yet, there’s this.

Still, it’s fine. It leans into slapstick more than the priior shorts, which pretty much comes with the territory. And this short is also less adept an integrating the lego material into the usual Star Wars mishegoss. But there’s some fun nods to Indiana Jones and at least something amusing in concept about Boba Fett being continually evaded by this oblivious dope.

The rock and roll band ending is pretty silly, but that’s the tone of these shorts, so it’s hard to object. Despite that, this one just feels weaker and less creative than the rest, putting together a pretty standard cartoon-y bit that didn’t really need the lego medium for it to work (or not work).

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