Shouts about...

Lost in Space

Season 2


Shout by LegallyTheBear
BlockedParent2019-12-26T23:40:26Z— updated 2021-07-18T07:45:37Z

9/10 What an amazing season! Ignore the two people saying its bad!

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This show is honestly amazing, I'm in love with it and it's plot

Season 1 was great and in this season they topped it and made it even greater.. Everything about this season was amazing; the acting, dialogs, expansion of plot, visual effects and the stakes.. I mean with each episode you wonder how these people going to overcome these nerve-wracking situations

Speaking of visual effects, this show, especially this season has one of the best visual effects I've ever seen in a TV series, I mean each episode feels like a cinematic movie and I loved how they used this opportunity to explore more and more with the world they've built

Also one thing I really appreciate is the writing, the writers in this season really topped their game and it shows.. I had every type of emotions there is.. I felt happy, sad, worried, scared and emotional all throughout this season

Overall the season was amazing and I'm really looking forward to season 3

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I have to say the second part of the season was much better. I had been pining for a change in Dr. Smith's character, and maybe, finally seeing that she wasn't this predictable plot device was such a big relief it made the second part great to my eyes.
The visuals are still extremely nice, and I feel like the second season got better writing too (the plot of each episode was less repetitive and expected, the characters were less one-dimensional). Also, I liked that they (almost) seamlessly introduced elements into the season storyline that would be used in later episodes, which made the twists more elegant and unexpected.
It does end on a cliffhanger, which I thought was well introduced. I'll be watching the third and final season when it comes out !

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Everything what Marc wrote and more. I've seen better written SciFi on You-tube short stories... This was such a aggravating waste of a good concept, and could of been so much better without all the unrealistic and sometimes over kill drama. Whats with the music over kill on every scene. OMG! I thought I was at a Star Wars concert.... Sorry but I tried to give it a shot. Maybe you'll like it but I'm done.

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After a really good beginning with the season one, the season two is just bullshit!!
It feel fake on almost every scene, Will was ok as a child but now, as an almost ado he is really bad !! (As an ado in season 3 he will be horrible)... And the realization is basic, the light and the music are too much theatrical where it should not... Brief, it feel like it was made by trainees And written by a 15 years old child !!

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The bulk of my questioning this series/season is on episode #3. Watched episode 4 and 5 - gave up, would rather have my teeth drilled with no painkiller than watch any more of this mindless garbage. Done. 0/10 for season 2

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My biggest complaint about season 1 was the virtual indestructibility of everyone, not just the Robinsons, and while this certainly doesn't fix that, it does make it feel less tired than the first season. There's a better variety and some solid character growth. I do wish it took a bit more risks, but this is clearly a show in the vein of the original, targetted at a family demographic and not trying to turn into Game of Thrones. That said, it's one of the far better shows in that spectrum, especially when contrasted with the CW style alternatives.

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S2 is not so bad if you imagine you're watching a soap cartoon. Whatever happened to credibility? Even the overemotional scenes seem so fake and forced. We'll do this fast, just listen to my life story

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I would rather be lost in space at Christmas than watch this utterly atrocious crap posing as sci fi and 'entertainment'.

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