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Manifest: Season 4

4x03 High Flight

So for 3 seasons they make Ben out to be a savior, trying to save everybody, a great dude. Season 4 they make him a monster because I'm a dad and losing 1 child should not make you treat the other daughter like crap, the son I can understand for a moment but to act like the baby girl is your only child and the other 2 don't exist equals Bad Writers.

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Angelina / Eden storyline is getting old and boring. Move on from this nonsense to the larger story. No one gives a fuck about it.

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Ben’s character in season 4 is so fucking retarded. What the hell are the writers thinking to make Ben into a lunatic.

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Whyyy do people keep helping Angelina? That girl is unstable. Also, Ben you've devoted yourself to protecting your entire family for 3 seasons including the passengers of flight 828 and now all of a sudden he can't do anything but focus on Eden. Wtf

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I love that neither Zeke nor Mick nor Ben nor anyone but Jared are constrained by the burden of having to earn money to exist and pay for things, what most of us call jobs, of course they won the lottery and are independently wealthy.

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I was going to say that Olive having a 'connection' with Eden is ridiculous, but then I realized it is actually consistent with her having her fraternal twin 'telepathy'... so at least the show is consistently ridiculous sometimes.

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