
The perfect ending doesn’t exi…….

What a ride! I feel part of the shield family. Best superhero show ever created. Lost for words. Don’t know what to say, except: watch this now!!!

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The characters are so good man. And S4 is arguably the best superhero stuff ever (maybe only behind S1 and S3 of Daredevil).

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Will always be a part of this small, but active fanbase! S4 is legendary in my book. Mallory Jansen played all her different parts to perfection. Iain deserved some type of award, he is just brilliant - I'll never stop saying this. Daisy's character development is an emotional hero's journey that really took place over 7 seasons. It's like watching her grow up. This SHIELD fam just feels like home, every time. I really miss them, man.

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Gotta love how they embrace their cheesiness in the 4th season or so. Two words “Shotgun Axe” :rofl:. Slow start but worth watching all seasons.

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I don't think I've ever watched a show that changed so much season to season yet retained the bits that enticed its original viewership. I absolutely, 100%, recommend this show - it's not perfect, but it's a slice of the MCU that's done well and will keep you at the edge of your seat. It uses Season 1 to figure out what it wants to be, and then changes it up when you least expect it, repeatedly.

The finale was beautifully executed. As with any superhero show, there are many that are unbelievable, but every character's end suits them 100%. I'm glad FitzSimmons got their happy ending, especially. They went through too much for anything else. I am also a bit bummed there was no opportunity to revisit core characters from previous seasons, mainly Bobbi and Hunter - would have been cool to see what they're up to.

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Must say that I am happy with the final episode. All of season 6 around bad-guy version of Coulson was b.s. and there were definitely some dreadfully bad episodes, but also several pretty cool ones. Overal not a bad series and one of the better Marvel series.

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Has many more clunker episodes than crackers. Very disappointing and not worthy of a repeat viewing.

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Sometimes too cheesy but overall it was a nice ride and this is coming from a guy who doesn't like series with superheroes. I am just happy to be a part of this show and its story.

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1 to 5 was great. Didn't care at all about 5 and 6. Ok finale though.

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The best character development, growth and writing in the MCU. It takes around 15 episodes to get there, but by the end of season 1 and building through season 2, the show reaches it's main story heights. Though it peaks in season 4, the quality never wavers again, bringing compelling character arcs and evolutions to the best streak of marvel stories in the universe written around lovably crafted characters.

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Miss this show so bad!

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Most series that last for anywhere near as many seasons as this did often lose their way and become somewhat tragic. Agents of SHEILD on the other hand continually managed to deliver.
Maybe I’m just a massive geek and love everything Marvel, but I loved each and every season of this show!
Tied up wonderfully at the end with Coulson getting his beloved Corvette back! A bit of a shame that we didn’t get a cheeky cameo from Fury though.
Overall, a great series with a rare-to-find good finale (we all know a shitty finale can ruin a whole series for you!).
I hope to see Coulson return to the MCU and it would be nice to see Daisy follow too!

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I loved watching this series from start to finish. Yes, some people may say the first season wasn't too good, but I loved it. Agents of SHIELD brought real joy to my life over the past few years. I am sad that it came to an end, though the ending very well thought out.
To anyone contemplating on watching this: DO IT.

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its fucking finished dude omg :'(

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One of the best series out there! Highly Recommended!

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Finally completed this show. I have mixed feelings about this one, Season 1 was great then it started to go downhill. but I kept watching it. Season 6 was worst of all 7 seasons and imo the last season was best of all 7 seasons.

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Much like endgame I came away let down and feeling like it was just ok. So much was out of character and a ton was just tossed together that I was really disappointed.

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i should be sad that the show is now over, but after 7 seasons i'm just burned out and glad its over. started out rather meh, got better during the middle seasons and then devolved into jumping the shark too many times, with characters dying only to be brought back through some deus ex machina

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Au revoir my friend! You will be greatly missed.

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innovative fun sci-fi fantasy not much depth a 6 beer show for sure

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Essa sexta temporada está uma vergonha de ruim.
Precisam trazer uma trama bem feita igual da 4 temporada urgente.

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Season 6 is so dumb. The writers are running out of things to write. So they recycle sale characters. And bring the Framework back. Terrible season so far. Maybe it’s time to end this show.

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Marvels best tv show. Bring it back please

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I can easily say this is one of the best shows on network television. The characters feel real in a not so real world where there are super heroes, aliens, robots, flying cars, time travel. Amazing writing and each season is a whole new story with new twists and turns. The first half of season one is a bit of a bore because of the serialization but season 2 they drop that and stick with the meat and potatoes and it pays off. It is no surprise that it got signed on to do a season 6 and I can't wait for it.

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Wasnt sure when i started the season, but have just watched 16 episodes in one day, ending with this one. and yep its going to be straight to Season 2 for me.

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so did Deke blink out of existence?

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Shout by OrangeDog

so did Deke blink out of exicstence?

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Wow, what a great show Watched season 3/4 for a while, then gave up because there were so many plot shifts. Show really went to hell when everyone started dating eachother. . I wouldn't even bother to watch this again. Find a better show, obviously it doesn't live up to my standards of tv. (watch something like Mr. Robot instead).

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This is a test comment.

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I like this marvel series.

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I'm kinda the other way around most people apparently.
I liked it in the beginning, but near the end of the first season I think it got a bit boring.
Nothing kept me interested, so gave up on it in the start of season 3.

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Nope, that´s it, I´m out. Made it to S03E10 but I can´t stand it any longer. I´m sick of all that twisting and dragging out a plot forever. This show is hitting the reset-repeat button again and again and again. There is rarely something new happening. Plus there really is no need in watching this for some clues into the movies. They are working fine by themselves and the show has it´s own plot anyway.

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When is it coming back

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season 4 was the best

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Una bellissima serie TV che segue L' universo cinematico Marvel dagli occhi dello shield ed I suoi agenti principali

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first season was shit before Hydra came in, second was ok/kinda good, the inhumans were good but the outside afterlife plot is so boring I skipped most of the episodes, after a while even the afterlife gets boring, this show lost me

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The first and second seasons of AOS were fantastic. I was so pleased to see "normal" people in a world gone mental over "superheroes". Then they had to go and screw it up, well, I couldn't keep watching after they destroyed the essence of the show. So sad, because it had such promise.

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I'm bout it! Netflix and Chill...#kodi&kuddle too!

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I'm bout it! Netflix and Chill... Kodi and Cuddle too!

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agents of shield (2013)
season 4 episode 9
released on Jan 10, 2017
not Dec 13, 2016
please fix this

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If you are considering watching it then you should. It does start out slow but watch the first season to get context. The seasons just get better and develop the characters well. You get a lot of story along with background into the current Marvel movies. Definitely give it a chance. #ShiftvW8

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@majormercyflush Maybe if you actually watched the rest of the show you would find out why he is alive. The show starts off pretty slow and only really gets great midway through the first season. Then it is pretty damn good.

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In preparation for season four, I'm watching the first three seasons in order via Netflix. A little more than two episodes a day and I should be ready for the season premiere on September 20th,

(I'm also watching all the Netflix series in preparation for the September 30 series premiere of Luke Cage.)

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The pinnacle and finale to S3 is the most exceptional and TV's entertaining piece of artwork. Well deserving series.

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love it a lot.yea

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i ve just done series 1, and I m entirely absorbed in it, literally! LOVE Skye!

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I struggled through season 1, season 2 was much MUCH better and looking forward to season 3!

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One of my favorite shows! So many marvel charachters and so many nice storys. also a lot of good surprises. additonaly, the series reacts to events from the marvel cinematic universe what makes it even better!

You only need to get over the first few episodes!

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It's a pretty good show, starts off a little bit slow, doesn't have the best character building, yet, it's like watching behind the scenes of the bigger movies. The episodes go over what was happening during the avengers and ultron, what was happening to the entirety of shield when everything was going down, we don't get to this stuff in the movies and it's amazing to see and a whole new perspective to it how shield managed to come back up again.

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i love avanger of s.h.i.e.l.d.

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It is a show that starts pretty weak but is like wine, with time it just keep getting better and better. I'm talking about the action, the characters, the story, all of it. If you made it to season 2 it will probably become one of those shows you just can't stop watching

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Awesome show... Hope they would keep the spark alive...
(via TV Blaze for WP)

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This show just keeps getting better. The introduction of the Inhumans is awesome. It's not as jaw dropping as a Marvel blockbuster movie, but the story line has progressed well, specifically Sky's. Looking forward to how they draw this into the upcoming Avengers movie.

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Another one of those shows that starts off pretty meh then finds it's footing and takes a significant turn for the better.

Gave up half way through season 1, gave it another chance, and now I can't wait for each new episode!

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im not sure what people are expecting from this. it's a really solid show. you're not going to be seeing the superheros, it's not about them. it is also not a big budget hollywood tent pole movie.

i was luke-warm with the first few episodes. the humor is what kept me around. seemed ok to watch while waiting for some other shows to be off short hiatuses. it quickly leaves it's episodic formula though and becomes a cohesive story throughout. yes there is a lot of subterfuge and backstabbing but it's a spy show for christ's sake.

kids and i love this. really fun.

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actually I think this show is getting better...it is becoming more grittier and darker which I feel is making it more interesting...

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This second half of the season is really picking up. I hope they keep up the current pacing.

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Shout by Amanda Beaty

It takes skills to take a fabulous show and completely derail it in less than 20 episodes. Now, we no longer have the team dynamic and chemistry, we also have no S.H.I.E.L.D. How can they call this show Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D when S.H.I.E.L.D doesn't even last through the first season? We're only still watching because we're both too stubborn to quit.

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This show isn't really good. It's watchable but it's so far up its own arse with the plot twists and betrayals inside of betrayals that any real drama gets ruined. You need some givens to work with in order to give the show some grounding. The way it is now I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Sky's father is actually a clone of Nick Fury and he's using Martian super dna to alter his appearance in order to trick Coulson into singing NIN's Hurt for Lyndon Johnson’s ghosts birthday party.

I mean I know that the source material is comic books, but no one likes comic books, as in doesn’t buy them. This show was a chance to shape the retarded comic book logic into something that the non-terminally greasy can enjoy.

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"I go on living no life, she lives a full one and doesn't age? How is this possible?"

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Shits getting serious xD

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Malditos Check-in no sirven o que es la verga pues???

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how do i fucken work it?

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I don't know what they want to do with this first episode, but I will wait and see the evolution ;)

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Come on! The Red poster was very cool! Who replaced it with the boring old season 1 poster on tvdb or trakt??

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started bad, vary bad, but the show started to grow on me more to the end of first season when they left the episodic formula and started to have a clear arc.

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Lets hope season 2 ramps the story line up quickly as season 1 was very average.

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Hail hydra!!!

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Can't wait for season 2 xD

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It is easy to watch and charismatic actors. The first half of season 1 was really good, than they tried to make too many turns and plots for one season. But still, a lot better than Arrow.

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where are the special effects ?????

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I really like the superhero movies and really loved the movie with all of the marvel superheros together..as far as the tv show it is just ok... I kept going back and forth with it. It down' have a lot of actual super heroes in it. I didn't get really interested in it until the agent double crossed them. I will give it another chance IF it is picked up next fall but I am not so sure it will be..

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great comments

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If you stick with it, it's not a horrible show. It certainly has some ABC cheesiness, especially with some of the lines they spit out. Some of the plot points are weak, at best, as well. But after all that being said, its fairly watchable. They do a good enough job with the first season, as a whole, to feel complete, plus it gets bonus points for being in the Marvel universe and working with the movies.

If they could cut the season down to ~12 episodes it would be much higher on the 'must watch' scale but, as is, it sits at 'worth the watch if you like the Marvel universe movies'.

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Muy buena serie para ver

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Renewed for season 2 yess!! Cant say i'm surprised love this show!

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I really tried hard to like this show but after 5 or 6 episodes I gave up. The acting is poor and the scripts are dull. I like superheros a lot but I couldn't stand more of this series.

Some said that the second half is getting better but I can't remember anything from the episodes I watched because it was dreadful.

It could have been something great...

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If you stopped watching this show during the first half of the season then give it a second try.
Second half of the season is like a completely different show and it is REALLY good with a nice connection to Winter Soldier.

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If you like Superhero stuff, that adds to the world of Marvel it's worth watching.
But, the acting at times is pretty bad. Specially Agent Coulson (Clark Gregg) portrayal of the character that he plays in the show. It's kinda what ruins it a little for me.

The beginning is kinda boring, but it gets better, ill give them that. Hopefully this show will get better over time, and for that i will be watching this for a while. I love Marvel, and who doesnt, so it's a no-brainer IMO.

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jsc tv

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Shout by Deleted

You guys are fuckin fagits for dissing a show that is this awesome because are you the one taht up there making this show? casue i want to see what makes you so good at judging other peoples work.

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the start of the firdt season was not so good, but really, the serie turned from water to wine, it becomes awesome

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Well the series has improved a little over time, however it is far from getting renewed for another season in my opinion. On top of this the number of breaks in the screening schedule allows for views to find something more entertaining to watch when there is no AOS episode for weeks. This type of scheduling is a killer for TV series that are trying to establish an audience.

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Muito bom!

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If they killed the annoying English girl off, then the series would be better. Well. Not "better". Just less annoying, tedious and dull. For some reason I'm 10 episodes in and haven't given up on it, purely as it's a Marvel series so I expect it to pick up. I'm rapidly running out of patience, though.

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That leaves 2 season?

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