Much like endgame I came away let down and feeling like it was just ok. So much was out of character and a ton was just tossed together that I was really disappointed.

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i should be sad that the show is now over, but after 7 seasons i'm just burned out and glad its over. started out rather meh, got better during the middle seasons and then devolved into jumping the shark too many times, with characters dying only to be brought back through some deus ex machina

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Au revoir my friend! You will be greatly missed.

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Shout by OrangeDog

so did Deke blink out of exicstence?

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I like this marvel series.

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When is it coming back

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Shout by Deleted

I'm bout it! Netflix and Chill...#kodi&kuddle too!

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Shout by Deleted

I'm bout it! Netflix and Chill... Kodi and Cuddle too!

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Shout by Deleted

agents of shield (2013)
season 4 episode 9
released on Jan 10, 2017
not Dec 13, 2016
please fix this

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In preparation for season four, I'm watching the first three seasons in order via Netflix. A little more than two episodes a day and I should be ready for the season premiere on September 20th,

(I'm also watching all the Netflix series in preparation for the September 30 series premiere of Luke Cage.)

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The pinnacle and finale to S3 is the most exceptional and TV's entertaining piece of artwork. Well deserving series.

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome show... Hope they would keep the spark alive...
(via TV Blaze for WP)

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"I go on living no life, she lives a full one and doesn't age? How is this possible?"

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Shout by Deleted

how do i fucken work it?

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It is easy to watch and charismatic actors. The first half of season 1 was really good, than they tried to make too many turns and plots for one season. But still, a lot better than Arrow.

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great comments

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I really tried hard to like this show but after 5 or 6 episodes I gave up. The acting is poor and the scripts are dull. I like superheros a lot but I couldn't stand more of this series.

Some said that the second half is getting better but I can't remember anything from the episodes I watched because it was dreadful.

It could have been something great...

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Shout by Deleted

jsc tv

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Shout by Deleted

You guys are fuckin fagits for dissing a show that is this awesome because are you the one taht up there making this show? casue i want to see what makes you so good at judging other peoples work.

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If they killed the annoying English girl off, then the series would be better. Well. Not "better". Just less annoying, tedious and dull. For some reason I'm 10 episodes in and haven't given up on it, purely as it's a Marvel series so I expect it to pick up. I'm rapidly running out of patience, though.

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That leaves 2 season?

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The people who thinks this show is nice must be watching something no one else is watching. I will summarize the show for you so you don't waste your time watching like I did. Good wins bad looses. Bad acting. Stupid plots. Stupid stories. Actors never get hurt or die or loose a fight. Typical America show. Nothing worth learning and nothing. Interesting.

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looks to childish for me to watch and I do watch all kinds of shows...but on this one I will pass.

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Shout by Deleted

love this show!!

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Bad, boring, ...STOP watching

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Stopped watching this as it got utterly boring.

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For our family this fits that much needed "What's safe to watch with our young kids" category. It's ridiculous, silly, would never be something I would watch on my own... but my 9 year old loves it so I love it too.

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Shout by Deleted

good show

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