I really enjoy the Zima running joke.

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Why didn't Jaco just drop the bomb on the portal???

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Shout by JasperKazai
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-04-25T23:36:37Z— updated 2021-05-22T17:12:43Z

Yay, just what everyone was hoping for, more awful Mack-Elena romance. Definitely not a waste of time. Speaking of bad romances, this Deke and Snowflake thing needs to stop already. I get that it's played for laughs, but it was never funny.

As other people commented, Jaco totally could've just thrown the bomb through the portal. Dumb plot contrivance to kill him off and make the rest of the characters feel like they're done with the job.

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Yay, the team's back together, even Yo-Yo and Mac. And the story's still a mystery :) I'd never seen it coming that agent May would shoot Sarge, pretty sure there's more to that - maybe Izel?. Davis didn't seem to be alright either...
Anyway, Bobo and Deke where quite fun to watch (I hope there will be more scenes like that).

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Why didn’t just gently threw out the bomb through the bus window??? Or why didn’t Jaco just threw the bomb through the portal instead of killing himself too? But it was cool seeing Daisy user her powers in new ways

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Why the hell didn’t Jaco just throw the bomb through the portal? The explosion would have destroyed the ship either way, he didn’t have to carry the bomb over there.. Except this big unnecessary plothole a decent episode. Like the „chemistry“ between Sarge and Mac. Deke is getting a bit annoying though.

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Wow, I never saw that coming. Maybe it was a virtual murder? What's his face probably has a bird in him.

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"Daisy Ex Machina" digs the writers out of their own hole once again. Pretty good episode otherwise.

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"Are all the females on this planet this powerful"
- "They are"

It'd be hilarious if it wasn't so retarded.

As for the ending... I bet it'll be a cop-out.

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Could have been the season finale.

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Okay now that was a spectacular episode. Shield at it's best. And what about that ending. Did not see that coming at all.

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Don't even try to kill Davis. #DavisLives

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This one was a great episode with a horrible and unforgivable lull at the end, followed by a heck of an exit.

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Wow... Didn't see that coming...

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I was expecting something unexpected at the end, SHIELD style.
But in the end it wasn't what I expected. Love it!

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