I;ve been a fan from day 1 and i was dreading the end cause many shows have failed to produce an ending worthy of an amazing show. I am so happy this did NOT disappoint!! For fans from the 1st day so many emotions and thrills. It was well written and i'm sad to see this show go, but glad they gave it an ending worthy of it!! And very happy to see Lola again <3

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This finale is so close to being perfect (It's 99.99% of the way there) But, to be fair, the one thing (or person) that would have made it 100% perfect is a little expensive.

He goes by the name Samuel L Jackson.

10/10. Love this show. Imma go cry now.

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I got so use 2 shield being back its going 2 Be hard not watching new episodes every week. But at least Shield is on Netflix I can get my fix there lol
I can watch from the beginning.
Going to Miss You "Agents of Shield" !

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Wow, this episode was awesome.
I've loved this show from the beginning and it's so sad that it comes to end, but, I'm satisfied with this ending. IT'S PERFECT!
All the character say good bye, not just each other, as characters, the actors says goodbye too, between them and to all of us.
It's magnificent how everything comes to this end. I definitely love it.
AoS has always been my favorite show on earth, and now, with this fabulous ending I'll love it even more.

PD: Lil/Jemma Simmons' smile in her final scene was incredibly beautiful

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All good things must come to an end :).

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See? Empathy, love is everything!

Thank you Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD for entering my home weekly for 7 years. You did good! I will send the studio a bill for all of the tissues I used throughout the years!

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I got a lot of feelings about this series finale and I‘m not sure that I can put them into words just yet. Overall those feelings were very positive and I liked how they connected the season 7 storyline to the one from season 6, which has always felt very unclosed imo. The endings for each character were okay in most cases. For Melinda May I would have hoped for a different ending but as the flesh and blood Coulson died at the end of Season 5 the chances for her happy ending got very thin. Also Deke staying behind and nobody really caring about it felt a bit rushed but I think that that was okay as his character was used almost all of the time as comic relief and his ending was also done in a very fun way. Overall it was very sad to see the team separated but I guess this is how it had to end in some way. Fact is that AoS delivered seven seasons of amazing stories, great characters, lots of emotions and It will always be one of my favorite shows. I can‘t wait to rewatch it from the very beginning.

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I have reached the end of my binge journey, this show has left a permanent impact on my life, thank you.

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I can't say it better than some of the other commenters have said it, so all I'll say I'm really going to miss this show. Thanks for the adventures and the tears. I was bawling!

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Does Mack's line about being in Russia mean we will see him in Black Widow??

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Wow. Am really going to miss this TV series. One of the best shows for me even though s1-5 is still the best for me than this current season. Really a shame they have ran out of ideas despite the MCU still going strong.

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Finally, a show where they understood how a series finale should end...

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Shout by Michael Myers

To be honest, I was delaying watching the final episodes of this season, because I just didn't want to say goodbye to these great characters and their stories that I found relatable many times than I can count. Despite this season start, despite me being a bit afraid this show won't get the sendoff it deserves, I'm not afraid to say that it concluded everything in a great way. At some points, there were so many plots going on that I was not sure if they all can be wrapped around in a way that made sense. But I was completely wrong to think that as the ending resolved everything in a beautiful way.

Thank you, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, thank you for taking me along on your adventures, share your emotions, relate to your characters. Thank you for making me wait every week to tune in and watch my favorite characters. Thank you to all actors, writers , staff and people who made this show possible. Thank you for making me cry, laugh and for all the other emotions that I can't list right now.


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I would like to tip my hat first off to the writers for the incredible emotional journey they have put many of us on. Every week is like watching a new Marvel movie, the costumes and acting make me wonder why the movie actors make so much. Thanks to the team of actors, directors, and whole staff off S.H.I.E.L.D. to pull us in every week. A very special thank you for pulling everything together in the end for us fans!

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SO sad to see a great show end but I was glad to see such a great ending. One of the best endings to a show I've seen in a long time. You wont be disappointed.

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This was a solid finale. It provided a decent resolution to The Big Threat to go along with nice wrap-ups and ongoing missions for the main members of the team. My only beef is that the splitting up of the group was not driven by plot needs and was done strictly for finale/closure reasons. So it was contrived on that front as well as in terms of the suggestion that they'd deny themselves contact with each other except for an annual reunion. Sentimental? Sure. Pandering to the various 'shipper groups? Absolutely. But they didn't overdo it TOO much. And it's largely just a quibble when we got to see things like the introduction of Deke's mom. And the car. How can you not appreciate them remembering the car?

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A forgettable yet nice series finale.

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A good ending to a show that was consistently good - a tough feat considering they had well over 100 episodes and were basically ostracized by the MCU. Sure, the villains sucked by the end but most TV villains do.

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Overall a good conclusion, albeit not the gut punch I hoped, I was hoping to feel some strong emotions. But that’s pretty petty for a overall amazing season. Was worth my time and a lot of fun. An awesome show. Wish there was a reason for the lack of talk about the snap though... I kinda hoped the show would have mentioned that they’re already in a split timeline because of the season 5 going to the future antics; Maybe that caused a domino effect that lead to the avengers winning, making the snap never happened, but hey, that can be my head canon for the time being lol. I need Daisy in doctor strange 2. PLEEEEASE!

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I liked the slow and steady ending. Wasn't afraid of anything bad happening which was different. I will be forever sad about so few and rushed moments of Sousa and Daisy as well as the sisters together. I think from like season 5 we have less and less actual fighting scenes in this show and less and less Quake scenes. Nathaniel should never be a problem so this fight was..... underwhelming and frustrating and as well the whole thing with 'we shouldn't be bodered bc we will win' ("we all have our part to do no matter the cost") - it all "told us" exactly that in those little scenes when we could feel something that we don't have to.

I don't really see how this could be as emotional finale as everyone is talking about.

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After leaving the series at the end of season 4, we watch these to see how the series ends. Robots, spaceships, timelines, how much this has changed. I liked the end

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Wow! It was pretty good. I've out lived another show I liked. This show has had some ups and downs but it was always good. Sometimes it was just spectacular. Once again it's turned me into a 260 lb. giant crying baby. I will miss every character on the show. I really wish they would get back together once a year.

Goodbye my wonderful fake friends. You will be missed.

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Can’t believe it’s ending :sob:

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Clicking the tick and seeing "This show has ended".... hoping for a few spin offs.

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man this show has been such a big part of my life i cant believe its done :( a worthy ending for a great show

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Son of Tears at the end, great close to the show!

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What a great show! I'm going to miss it :cry:

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Good finale, really after seven seasons that could be one of good finals, they didn't messed up and they didn't put any questions, yet I've waited at least one cameo or easter egg! You could say at least a "Stark"! Damn!

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I‘m not crying, there’s just this… :asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:huge:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: branch in my eye. Like, massive.

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Shout by Kayley Singson

Sort of spoilery but not really. I think this series finale is one of the best ones I've seen. Usually, when shows end they always leave questions or huge major plot holes, or it's just not cathartic at all. This gave us EVERYTHING that we wanted. It showed what the team was up to after they disbanded, it showed that they are still fighting for their families and loved ones and that they are HAPPY! We just don't get that nowadays. Love this series and I miss it desperately already.

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Gotta say this was a great ending to a good show.

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I was waiting for this moment since season 3-4. I was not expecting it to be this emotive :'(

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Wait an Infiniti key to unlock & start a corvette? WTH...stupid production people.

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Well shit. Man...wait. Ctrl+Z. Jesus Christ. Don’t leave me.

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I was an OK finale. I don't think it's up there with the greatest finales in TV history. I expected to get emotional because I've been watching since the pilot aired but I didn't.

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Shout by Yuck Qi

This season was the absolute worst.

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good film, i like this

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Finished my first full rewatch since the show ended and this is still such a great ending to the season and the show as a whole. Now to miss the show all over again until I cave and do another rewatch.

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there were times throughout the series I found myself completely lost. I couldn't figure out why the show wasn't canceled. I remember the very first episode and how excited I was to know that this TV show existed inside the marvel cinematic universe. appreciated the crossovers on the references to what was happening parallel to the movie timeline. however as a finale I feel this show should have connected more with recent events in the marvel cinematic universe. I would have liked to seen maybe one of the avengers or someone else as a major character inside this finale playing a role or making an appearance. but overall I am sad to see Daisy Johnson go. but I am very happy that she is gone.

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How can 2 people with dark hair have a very white & very blonde kid? That’s not even possible. These show creators/casting...terrible.

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