Gah, these episodes are so hard to get through, I swear they're dragging this plot on and on and on.

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It was already bad before, but now that her situation calls for more intense acting, every single scene with Mariah is a pain to watch.

Shades, however, keeps getting better. Being a good boy taking care of his friend's mama (even if he was a traitor and he killed him himself), the interrogation where he almost break, his speech to Mariah...

On the action's side some shootings, but meh.

Really not buying the newfound relationship with Luke's father... "You can't be shooting my baby"... Seriously ? That was lame af. Also what an asshole. He wants to do his thing and never even consider the other people he put in danger by being so stubborn.

Bushmaster's relationship with his uncle is 10 times better. Though constantly going against him trying to be the voice of reason will probably get him killed before the end.

And did Luke even warn Claire that she might be in danger ? Maybe she's far away, but still...

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Every time Bushmaster says "STOKES", take a shot - unless you're already drinking heavily thanks to the Jamaican accents.

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Mariah has the worst expression.
Misty : Thomas Ridenhour was shot and killed.
Maraih : Ah! No!
I really love it whenever they show Misty's gift.

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The thing is sloooooooooooooooooow at times and fast at others. With 8 episodes it would have been better than with 13

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Shout by sisdog
BlockedParent2018-08-11T03:32:22Z— updated 2018-09-02T02:44:52Z

This was one of the better episodes this season with the exception of Mariah and Alfre's terrible acting.

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Luke, Mariah and her daughter are taken to the precinct for questioning and protection. Mariah's lawyer shows up and sets them free but drops her as a client because she can't pay him anymore. Shades is also interrogated for the events from the night before. Bushmaster is starting to lose his strength and looks for other means to protect himself. The Jamicans attack Luke's father at a church and also attack Mariah and her daughter at Mother's Touch. Everyone is safe but out of options for safe places to go. Luke asks Misty if she still has Danny Rand's number.

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Mariah on hearing Ridenhour’s death ~~~ the acting was terrible

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The interrogation, the further development of Shades' character, the action. One of the best episodes so far.

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