That last shot with the three of them in the elevator skyrockets this episode to the top!

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This show is getting really good now. It's very dark, which comes with the topic, exploring the darkness inside a human brain, but I really like the characters and the look of "Mindhunter".

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Their faces at the very end of the episode sums up pretty nicely our feelings after watching this episode.

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It is funny to me to read reactions to this show based on others' expectations on this site. I've seen people saying it's a little slow, I've seen people saying they were expecting it to be more like a 70s cop show, I've seen people comparing it as something akin to Miami Vice. I don't mean to scrutinize anyone's expectations, although I am very interested in all of them: what about a show like this would make you think that you're getting anything other than something like Zodiac?

But considering that Mindhunter feels to be putting the very microscope up to us as viewers, drawing us in while questioning and making us aware that our obsession with true crime and serial killer narratives has a sense of plodding weirdness to it. It begs the question: how do our perception of promotional materials--prior to starting this series--skew our expectations for what this series would be? Even for myself, just because I feel like my expectation was more or less correct does not really make my prior assumptions any more warranted or valid.

Oh, also this episode is excellent.

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This show is chronicling the early beginnings of the BAU. Think the show Criminal Minds. This would be precursor to that.

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I am slowly getting behind what this show is all about as the ball seems to be finally rolling.

There is one little problem: the level of interest that the interviews provide stand and fall with the character being interviewed and the actor playing him. And in this case neither was Rissel that much interesting nor did Sam Strike deliver a great performance.

Oh, and one thing I keep wondering since episode one: WHAT'S WITH THE HUGE LETTERS ???

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