Shout by elderfeniks
BlockedParent2019-11-08T18:08:48Z— updated 2021-11-27T05:05:22Z

Soundtrack is amazing! It's like in game "Resident Evil 2" - so gooood

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These muted colors work best with muted psyches which they are trying to unearth.

Such a brilliantly shot and written series this. The attention to detail is amazing. Look every time the cigarette smoke is exhaled, it stays on in the thick atmosphere.

Loving how it's developing.

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A gruesome crime show drama is about the last thing I'd expect to enjoy, but man is this good.

The main characters are quirky, but they each play the quirk with such subtlety they're really charismatic to watch. The writing is amazing - especially the two of them questioning a suspect. Beautiful back & forth like they're in each other's head, Bill throwing tough guy curve balls now and then, and Holden with some emotional twist.

Also loving the cinematography. All the dismal gray & white. Does the sun every come out in this world? Feels like I'm back in Indiana in the winter.

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This is what I thought the show would be from the beginning and now I'm glad I stuck around. I find the interview parts even more interesting when it is suspects on the other side of the table.

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