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Millions of people around the world believe in miracles: divine prophecies, visions, faith healings, magic relics, spirit possession, even glimpses of the afterlife. Are miraculous and supernatural experiences real or can they be explained scientifically? This series travels to four continents to hear from people who have experienced miracles first hand. Then scientists and skeptics examine the evidence and offer alternative explanations. Whether you are a person of faith or a die-hard skeptic, miracle stories offer a fascinating glimpse into the human experience: our hopes and dreams, the power of faith and healing, and most of all, how we make sense of our world.

8 episodes

Series Premiere

1x01 Episode 1

Series Premiere

1x01 Episode 1

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In rural Kentucky a group of Pentecostal Christians believes God protects them from deadly snakes, fire and even poison. Are these miracles real or just theatrical tricks? A snake specialist and psychologist investigate.

In Poland, a young mother asks the spirit of a dead Pope and a powerful icon to miraculously heal a sick child. Does faith really have the power to heal or is this just a case of misdiagnosis and placebo effect?

And in Mexico City, a woman who believes she is possessed by demons agrees to a dangerous shamanic exorcism to help set her free. Will the ritual help or make things worse?

1x02 Episode 2

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In America, a travelling tattooed faith healer believes he can channel the power of the Holy Spirit and heal the sick. Does he have real healing energy or his he just taking advantage of the sick and desperate?

In southern Italy, a comatose young boy makes a miraculous recovery after seeing the spirit of Italy’s most popular saint in his dreams. Was his recovery heaven-sent or can a medical explanation be found?

And in rural Poland, a Whispering Witch uses divine energy, pagan ritual and Christian prayer to cast out demons. Can these strange rituals really help in some cases?

1x03 Episode 3

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In Ireland, an apparition of the Virgin Mary appears in clouds before thousands of onlookers. Is it a case of mass hysteria or does incredible video footage capturing the event prove miracles are real?

In Italy, a macabre blood relic is thought to provide miraculous protection for millions who live in the shadow of a volcano. Is it just superstition or is there actual evidence of its protective powers?

In Poland, the body of a priest remains miraculously preserved 350 years after death. Has the body been secretly manipulated or is it a sign from God?

1x04 Episode 4

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In Mexico City, a man with cancer turns to a Mayombe priest who performs a “life exchange ceremony” involving animal sacrifice and spirits of the dead. Will the ritual stop cancer or is it just wishful thinking?

In Ireland, Danny Gallagher, an incredibly rare “7th son of a 7th son” faith healer, claims to have “the cure,” the miraculous ability to channel energy and God’s power and cure disease. Does Danny’s power really work or can his healing success stories be explained by science?

And on the mysterious island of Ischia in Italy, thousands of faithful flock to see two ordinary women who claim to see visions and receive prophecies from the Virgin Mary. Do they really have the power of second sight or is their popularity just a fad?

1x05 Episode 5

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In New Orleans, USA… a woman haunted by demons agrees to participate in a Voodoo spirit ritual. Can black magic save her or will it cause more harm than good?

In Tamil Nadu, India… thousands flock to an ancient temple where the Goddess Shiva is said to have imbued the waters with miraculous healing power. Will scientific testing reveal a hidden ingredient in the magic water?

In Salto Grade, Argentina, a statue of the Virgin Mary on display at a hospital weeps tears of blood in front of stunned onlookers. Are the tears real blood and what happens when the statue is cut open and investigated in a laboratory?

1x06 Episode 6

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In rural Chile, an American doctor is trapped underwater for 15 minutes during a kayaking accident. After being rescued and revived she tells an incredible story: while clinically dead she visited heaven, met angels and was given prophecies about her future. Did she get a glimpse of the afterlife or was it all just an illusion?

A Brazilian woman claims she can cure disease by combining Umbanda spiritualism, folk remedies and modern witchcraft. Are her elaborate rituals just theatrics or can she really heal people?

Every Sunday, hundreds of faithful come to see Baba Dara Singh at his temple in Dudu, India. Through ancient tantric practices, the Baba claims he can enter a trance and miraculously channel the healing powers of the Goddess Kali. Are tantric powers real or just the stuff of legend?

1x07 Episode 7

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A Frenchman living in Mexico claims he can cure the sick through the intercession of angels. But why was this healer exiled from France and what will be revealed when he is subjected to medical tests and brain scans?

An exorcist named Brother Carlos says he has battled over 30,000 demons in 25 years of work. Many of his patients claim Carlos is a miracle worker and has saved them from depression and suicide. Is Carlos a charlatan praying on the vulnerable or is there psychological proof exorcism works for some people?

In Rajasthan, India a group of men show their devotion to their Guru by waling through fire, laying on beds of hot coals and even ingesting burning hot embers. They believe their guru accomplished these supernatural feats in 1536, and that this power has been passed down to them. Are their feats miraculous or just theatrical?

1x08 Episode 8

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In 2006 Bruce Van Natta was crushed underneath a truck and on the verge of death when he had an out of body experience. He says he floated above his body and watched as two angels stood over him. How did Bruce survive and can his vision be explained by neuroscience?

For millions of Hindus the Balaji Temple in Rajasthan is a place of supernatural power. Many who enter claim they experience “peshi,” a type of trance that is said to be possession by a healing spirit. Is the trance evidence of divine power or just a symptom of mental illness?

And in Argentina, thousands flock to a small cathedral where a communion wafer is said to miraculously bleed the blood of Christ. Are the red spots on the wafer real blood or just a bacterial growth?
