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    • 45m
    A Frenchman living in Mexico claims he can cure the sick through the intercession of angels. But why was this healer exiled from France and what will be revealed when he is subjected to medical tests and brain scans? An exorcist named Brother Carlos says he has battled over 30,000 demons in 25 years of work. Many of his patients claim Carlos is a miracle worker and has saved them from depression and suicide. Is Carlos a charlatan praying on the vulnerable or is there psychological proof exorcism works for some people? In Rajasthan, India a group of men show their devotion to their Guru by waling through fire, laying on beds of hot coals and even ingesting burning hot embers. They believe their guru accomplished these supernatural feats in 1536, and that this power has been passed down to them. Are their feats miraculous or just theatrical?