"You do not get to be more angry than me" Wow she showed everyone. The actress was the scene and the scene was her. I also watched the slap and Jamie's face so many times :D She is daughter of Claire, definitely :D I just hope there is still room for Claire's fire and it's just that at this moment she was more about comforting Bree than making Jamie bleed.

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It was a good episode but much sadder and darker than the previous one. The quarrel between the Fraser family after Bree discovers the truth of what happened to Roger was very emotional, it is here that Jamie's different beliefs and sensibility come to the fore, which is not often the case in the series. Jamie on the whole seems to be quite progressive and easily accepts Claire's 20th century views, but here we have an exception. What he said to Bree sounds harsh for today's audience, but it makes him a more believable character since it shows him as the product of his own times.
It was moving that Bree decided to keep the child even if it may turn out to be Bonnet's, the child is of course innocent in that matter and if someone should be punished with death, it is definitely not the child.
There is another clifffhanger ending with Roger finding the American time travelling stones: will he travel to his own time, will he decide not to or will he be interrputed by someone?

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Thanks for the Led Zeppelin reference!

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Shout by Aid45

That's ain't gonna happen though because later on he has to try and escape the mohawk village. Bloody idiot.

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Go back (or forward really). Heal up and then go back again and find Brie

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Shout by Zythean

No- NO- NOOOOO!! Don't do it!

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I'm glad they didn't drag that out; I don't know how long I could have watched that, I have a thing about watching wrongfully accused people when it can be cleared up easily enough and isn't. Roger is kinda a boring pansy, but that's beside the point.

Jamie was really blunt in this episode, saying all the wrong things, like why did he ask her if she wanted it? I even thought that was a dream sequence until he held her in his arms and said she couldn't fight a wolf bare fisted. I know he wanted to get across that she couldn't have fought & won, but wow, his wording was all sketchy. I guess this is a trigger for his time with Randall.

Did Roger go through the stones at the end?

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I liked the episode but not all the in fighting. With Brie punching people and all the yelling it was like I went home for the holidays.

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