Science fiction, like horror and fantasy, emerged as genres at a time when people needed a way to talk about how the world was changing around them during the Industrial Revolution, a time when science was clashing with religious views. It's perfecting on form for a science fiction show to be discussing prevalent topics in society, such as the transgender community.

To all the people who are whining that a science fiction show is doing that, perhaps science fiction isn't for you. I'm sure there's a reality TV show or something mindless for you to watch.

For the people saying this wasn't well done, I have no clue how else you wanted it done better (other than showing bigots as "nice people"). It includes multiple trans actors - one of which WROTE and DIRECTED the episode. One of the main cast is also non-binary. The representation for this episode is off the chart, which is amazing to see.

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A chapter that loses the argument to lecture. If we watch science fiction series, it's to enjoy them. Trans inclusion and any other will be deeper if they are done with sensitivity and not with empty sermons

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Aaaannndddd skip...nobody needs this kind of bs

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This is a good episode. Though I do still find the line or else people annoying lol. I do agree with those who pointed out Quantum Leap was always politically correct though.
Like Scott Bakula stuck in the body of a black man and dealing with racism.

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Such a beautiful message, with some heartfelt performances. Unfortunately they're done a disservice by sappy directing and broadcast network-level writing. Instead of letting the story breathe and scenes speak for themselves, several sections of the episode are shot like a PSA, while others play out like an Afterschool Special. It's also a shame that such an important topic is diminished by unsophisticated writing that never acknowledges the understandable and legitimate (to them) concerns of the opposition, and reduces them to a single token "Karen." This episode being out in the world is a good thing. Full stop. I just wish that it had been great.

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Loved the fact that they went all out on the episode. This episode might anchor how future trans people should be seen.

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If you think this series is "woke," you obviously didn't watch the original series.

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I enjoyed seeing an episode with this content. Inclusion for all.

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Excellent episode that hopefully helps to educate bigots about the trans community and make them realize just how wrong they are. Trans women are women. Trans men are men. End of frakking discussion.

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Not surprised to see the bigots out in force for this episode. Guess what, snowflakes, the writers, producers and actors in this episode don't want you watching. This show is not aimed at you, feel free to stop watching and go back to your YouTube masters.

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I miss the days of subtle political messaging. lazy writing

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I feel like I was watching an after school special on how to raise my trans kid.

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The least subtle and most preachy episode yet.

I can't help but to think there are much better ways of writing episodes like this.

The lack of subtlety made it much less hard-hitting.

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