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Record of Ragnarok 2021

Lame. Plot is stupid, character development is pointless cause you never see the character again, it's mid af. Just a long drawn out GODS vs HUMANS bs. The backstory isn't even real to the character they depict, so the entire ride comes away with no benefit.

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one of the best anime I've ever watched so far! I've got deeply emotional in some parts and events. Very meaningful...

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Thanks. Wonderful anime. I want to say the essence of Dragonball, an anime focused on fighting. For comparison with Dragonball, my comment will surely be hated:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. Simple story, but it does make sense in an anime fashion. Also, I endlessly celebrate that Buddha was the best character yet. Very interesting how this corresponds to the books. I'll just say: Siddhartha is a nice novel.
Note for myself: After season 2 the score is 3 to 3.

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I like the concept, and we known on gods

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Great Show which they had more episodes however

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Massive difference between season 1 and 2, Season 2 way better.

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Just a fun, casual watch. The fights aren't as cool as they could be and it's very silly but nice to put on in the background and pay attention to the big moments.

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I rate it 7/10. great story, nice background stories, good fights. only they shouldnt use so many stills and they should use more of the original story. lt has a lot more potential if they pull that off. They could use some help/experience with that . maybe with the second season they can live up to that expectations

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The dub version is absolutely horrible. I would not recommend watching this shit.

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It's really not worth watching, it's dumb.

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Unintentionally hilarious. Who signed off on these character designs?

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So cringe. This show is just awful.

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I enjoyed it very much !
First of all, who cares about the fights? What makes this a good anime is the story of each fighter, and that last fight was soo freaking good, I cried hard because I knew all of the famous legendary edo-era samurais (weird flex, but ok), it was so epic and relevant. Highly recommend

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Its great when the fighting happens, that's the issue the fighting doesn't happen. its like Goku against Freeza on Namek every fight is stretcht like a gum. After a fight it says fight lasted 7 mins but we watch 3 episodes. in total there are 3 fights in 12 episodes.

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I definitely enjoyed the anime. probably a solid 7 out of 10.
BUT it has flaws that I am surprised isn't done right from the start. especially considering they don't have that much of a budget concern.
What do I mean?
First. they didn't stick with one animation style and even when they stuck to one kind in the later stages it was very, and I mean very lazy, such as repeat use of still frames and duplicate frames instead of showing actual motions for the fights.
Secondly, there has been allot of cut content that would have made the anime a bit longer, but honestly would have enhanced the anime far more than how it is now.

If Netflix wishes me to support this anime further, they NEED to step up their game in the next season and improve on the problems of season 1, if not, they basically wasted a perfectly good Manga over greed and they wouldn't have gotten much money out of it.

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Netflix takeS masterpiece manga and it worthless... Please stop doing that...

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4 episodes of boring and very repetitive talking... maybe they should learn from Kengan Ashura anime...

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To my surprise I really enjoyed it. No masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination and the animation is rather mediocre, but still a very entertaining fighting anime with interesting characters and a good back and forth. Hopefully it won't take too long until the second season arrives, since there is a lot of story left until the finish line.

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Rather disappointed. While it has some really good music and the concept is enjoyable the lack of animation in areas is what let it down. I really hope we can get the manga volumes officially at some point so I can just read the series officially. Also Netflix did a really poor job on the subtitles (so many of the location/ character name signs were untranslated when a character on screen was speaking).

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