Shout by JasperKazai

This actually was pretty decent. I mean, it's absolutely riddled with plot holes, but it's not bad overall. Especially not bad considering it's Riverdale.
Donna's master plan relied on DuPont taking over the teaching role once Chipping died. Which is something that was not guaranteed to happen in any regard. Pretty stupid.

Are we supposed to cheer on Jughead and FP beating up Bret? Because all I see is a grown-ass man in his 40s beating up a teenager. Yay?

What the hell are the last three episodes of this season going to be? There isn't any ongoing plot that is close to being resolved. The next episode is going to be the musical (ugh), based on what Kevin said at the end here. But what about the other two? Are we going to resolve Charles that quickly? Or just set it up for next season?

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wow, i was really waiting for some cliffhanger at the end. feels weird that they ended a mid-season episode with everything being just fine. not complaining though! i'm glad we got answers and i'm looking forward to the last few eps of the season!

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This episode was the best episode comparing to all other episodes in previous seasons. It had be hooked the whole time

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Four or five storylines, and one of them ends like this.... with around four more episodes left??? Curious to see what else can go wrong in Riverdale in such a span of time

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Shout by Aslı Boz

Does anyone know how I can watch or can we watch from here ?

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And now this show is off for 3 weeks, it seems that most shows go off for weeks at a time now for no apparent reason. Perhaps this time is due to the wide spreading Corona virus (COVID 19).

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Charles helps so much yet he is secretly gay and Chic’s boyfriend ? I hate to see what the writers will do to FP before he leaves.
Other than that this was one of the best episodes.

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I like the set-up of this episode. Confronting the Stonewall Prep people BUT it was a tad bit cringe-worthy having Jug and Betty do that all lovey dovey the way they did.
It also felt a bit anti climatic, the twist with Donna. It's like the writers had all these ideas for her but noticed that the fans had ALL of those ideas so they went and did something that nobody suspected because it was NEVER mentioned before, which wasn't just with Donna but the overall ending to this arc I mean, we all knew DuPont was a bad guy and had a big part to play in the happenings of Stonewall throughout the years but these other kids that he killed to keep his secret, that felt thrown in at the last minute.

I'm actually bummed that this story is over and we'll no longer see Donna and Bret. These two grew on me. Characters you love to hate.

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