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Russian Doll

Season 2

1/10 this second series is terrible, boring, struggling to do more than to have Nadia, the main character incessantly walking around with her gaping mouth as if she is meant to be surprised or confused about all the lame time travel scenes... having her mouth wide open does not make it more interesting to us. It just makes it a lame show which has completely lost its originality and good storytelling that was evident in the first series.

It is much better to stop after the first series. the second series is absolutely not worth watching at all.

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At first I thought there was no need for a season 2. Then got engaged. Then got confused. Then got lost into it (space-time paradoxes are my soft spot, I’ll admit I it).

Then loved the ending. Absolutely.
I am happy there is season 2.

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Season 2 doesn't quite capture the brilliance, fun, or insight as it's predecessor. It's still an absurd romp through space time with heavy themes of grief, parenthood, and exploration of the self.

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This season has a few choppy bits, with extra trips sucking away the valuable runtime needed for a more satisfying resolution, but the set and costume designers easily carry the show into an extraordinary range. I'm a sucker for time travel shows (like the German import [|Dark]) and this shares the dedication to getting those background details right and excellent casting.

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The first season was absolutely fantastic. It didn't need a second season. This is exactly the kind of second season you get when you make a second season for a show that really didn't need a second season. It's not terrible by any means, just unnecessary and fails to capture whatever magic season 1 had.

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People trying to understand the full meaning of everything are not getting the point of the show.

Season 2 was needed. Everybody somehow loves Marvel's movies and love it when there are sequels just about the same shit all over again, and just eat it up. 10/10. But if a show like this does it, it's basic? Unnecessary? I've seen more commitment and good writing in season 2 then most Marvel movies.

Natasha Lyonne killed it. What an ending.

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Simultaneously broke my mind and fixed it while giving me a deep appreciation for my life as it is in a way no other time travel media has done

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I thought Season 1 was strange, then started 2! Paused for a bit, then finished it. Great show. And great music.

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Russian Doll season 2 finally has the main character in an actual Russian Doll situation, which while not a wholly original concept to science fiction, was used in fun effect to explain the character quirks of her mother in the first season.
What made this season the lesser of the two is it tried to cram too much into each episode which requires several MacGuffin's to let things keep moving forward to get it all in there. Too many people she encounters seem much too willing to believe she's "time traveling" for people of those era for which the idea of time traveling would have been even more absurd than now.
The audience did fine with the slower pace of the first season, not sure why they felt that same audience needed such a fast pace this season, which only crammed in a lot of story elements that just didn't need to exist.

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Season 2 is just forced should have quite while they were ahead. It’s Netflix force another season for shows that need only 1 and drop everything else unfinished.

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Shout by mads

I feel way too stupid to figure this season out but I still mostly enjoyed it

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Didn't like the first season, but still finished it (because of OCD, I guess).. Ended a bit better than it began, so I wanted to give season 2 a chance. First three episodes were as bad as the beginning of the first season.. but after that, it kept getting better and better! I'm glad I got 4 decent episodes after all!

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Stalled on Season 2 but am told it will pick up.

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Train-wreck of a season, waste of time.

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I hated Nadia most of the season, am I the only one? The way she callously played with time, making endless fucking jokes, enraged me. Maybe I watched this in the wrong mood or something. But the plot was good enough to keep me interested.

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well 2nd season was really disappointing. don't even bother watching it, it's boring af and totally lost the season 1 feeling

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Wooooow. Nobody emailed me or anything.

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Of all the shows that deserve another season, this is not one of them.

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First season great. Second season.. weird? Being honest i just finished watching the second season because of the first. If you´re reading this before watching it just don´t. I just saved you precious time.

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Beautiful Nonsense 2 word review

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