Jenna Maroney is surprisingly limber

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My favorite episode to date. The story takes a left turn as Josh and Melissa's infatuations face unexpected obstacles.

Kristin Chenoweth's "Tribulation" number, inspired by "Ya Got Trouble" from The Music Man, is truly breathtaking. It requires multiple viewings to appreciate all the nuances, lyrics, and a single take 4-minute continuous shot of top notch performances, choreography, and camera work.

But that's not all! Ageless Jane Krakowski finally makes her appearance with sexy "I Always, Always, Never Get My Man". Her character is inspired by Baroness Elsa von Schraeder from The Sound of Music but with a twist.

One more episode on this season. The series is designed as a series and I hope it gets the renewal it deserves.

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“I became a surgeon so I could help people without having to talk to them”

I’m always impressed with the choreography & sharp focus that it takes to pull off one-shot long takes, and Kristin Chenoweth’s solo number didn’t disappoint.

Now I’m even more curious what they’re gonna do to wrap things up in such a limited runtime.

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I refuse to believe that an English speaking doctor wouldn't know the expression dog-eat-dog. English isn't my native language and even I know it.

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