That's remarkably medieval thinking ....20 years later that's obvious. Gender and clothes often doesn't matter - so my liberal self thought and then I was totally disgusted by that mustache kiss ... they got me there.

PS: I wanted to make a joke about how that girl looks like an Alanis Morissette doppelgänger. That quite Ironic, isn't it?

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so much biphobia in this episode

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So close to getting it, yet so far away. When the guest characters are the ones making sense, and the main characters are all wrong.

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I really like this series, but this episode is offensive for bisexual, or other non hetero-/gay- people. There is a lot of different sexualities. There is no right one. There is no choosing sides. Sexuality is a spectrum, and everyone is in a different place on this spectrum.

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this ep sucked ass, the only thing i appreciated was how much sense Baird made

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If we can take the best of the other sex and make it our own, has the opposite sex become obsolete?

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I don't think bisexuality was horribly adressed here. Sure, Carrie is biphobic, but it was more than normal more than 20 years ago, so, having that in mind, at least they exposed it and kind of normalized it. When Carrie walks away she doesn't say it's wrong, she just states she's not used to it because of her age (which nowadays would be almost 60).

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Problematic episode watching it in 2021. Would cause outrage if it came out today.

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