i actually really enjoyed this episode. the first one in a really long time. so funny and emotional.

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Finally Ian leaving that "gay jesus" mess behind and caring about himself for a change; Fiona trying to not impose her opinions on others and kinda having some small progresses; Lip successfully laying off the booze (for now); Carl dealing with girls distracting him from his path to West Point; Debbie being the most confused and lesbian Gallagher right now; Liam getting raped by a "trashy girl" at school and Frank in the pursuit of sexual arousal and being bitch-slapped by some random psychotic woman.

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Liam needs to wash his junk lol
That bitchy girl showing Debby her pussy xD so cool
Way to go Ian

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coool episode but i hope Lip is not make a bad choice with his bike race addiction hope he quits :/

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Some of these scenes made me go "what the fuck" - Liam having sex (or being raped) at the age of like 9 or 10 and no one caring about it, people being angry at Fiona for caring about Ian and his future, and Ian having a normal conversation with Terry who impregnated his own daughter aka Ian's friend and let Mickey being raped in front of Ian. And I feel like the writers were playing with the fans by bringing Terry back and being so close to making Mickey relevant, but then backing out of it.

There were scenes I also liked and it actually felt like one of the better episodes in this season, but some of these bad scenes were sticking out too much to me. It felt so... random and out of character.

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Who is Ian to tell Debbie she isn't into girls? Who made him the authority?

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I don't understand the point of any of these plotlines.

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