Loved this episode until the end. How can a show be so smart, & so stupid at the same time?

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"You could be the mayor of Popcornopolis!"

It was a decent episode, until the dumb ending. They completely dismantled their own plot in mere seconds. I was looking forward to seeing them try and do this skunkworks project.

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Not going to completely tank the whole episode's rating just for the sins of its last 30 seconds, but come on guys. So predictable!

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This episode was absolutely brilliant and hilarious all the way through.

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Here we go again -_-

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That plot twist was so fucking WEAK. "Hey someone dropped their stuff, let me pick up this one single piece of paper and read it. AH it's their secret master plan, I'm telling my boss right away." I cringed so hard I think I dislocated my spleen somehow.

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The opening scene of this episode must have given some ex IT folk the shakes...

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Shout by Deleted

Anyone knows the name of the song at 23:00? Can't find it, maybe it's instrumental for the TV show.

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That Bell Biv Dinesh... LMAO

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This show is so smart I wish it'd stop pulling the team even more in shit in the most dumb, shitty ways. At times this doesn't feel like a tale of 'the people most qualified to succeed are the least capable of handling success' but more like 'the people most qualified to succeed are klutzes and dumb fucks'. Still, the show is so accurate it hurts.

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when George Washington founded a little startup we've come to know as these United States of America, and he was tired of getting shit from his CEO, the King of England, did he just roll over and take it from behind?

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Always!!!!!! Why? It is just too careless!!! Arggghhhh

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