Really solid start. Sad that it's the last season, but I'm definitely excited to see where this one goes.

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After watching the first episode, I can see why it was canceled.

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I am curious how they will direct this season to give us the closure we are all looking for. But honestly I wasn't digging this first episode, kinda seemed to drag on to me. But we will see how it goes.

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So Happy we are finally getting season 4

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It was technically very bad so I couldn't focus on the content, but it was an exciting episode that made me curious about the rest of the final season. :scream:

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I found this episode very boring.

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Please, tone it down on the shaky cam. It's getting ridiculous. :face_vomiting:

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Fantastic start! I was looking forward to this so much that I probably hyped it up way more than I should've, but it definitely delivered on what I was hoping for. More Oz, some happiness in the small new colony they created, and that nice air of mystery for Layton to solve (which I love so much about season 1). I am freaking sad about Zara though! I know she wasn't much liked, but she grew on me, and I definitely see the survivor instinct she had to develop and how it made her the person she was. She was a well-written character in my eyes and though her death was horrifying - especially in front of her child - it also worked so well with who she was. All in all, I cannot wait for the next episode! I hope it will focus solely on Snowpiercer like this one focussed solely on the new colony, it is a very good way to get re-acquitted with the characters we've left behind.

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I'm betting on them being mole people!

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Honestly don't know what everyone was complaining about in thsi first episode. It's not gonna be high stakes right out the gate. I feel like it set up very well what's been going on with the crew at the end of season 3 and gave us a questioning setup to the snowpiercer crew. Not to mention we got an emotional ending. Excited to see where this goes. Sad to see this is the end though.

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These guys need to learn doing transitions! What’s with the fade outs between scenes? Completely breaks the flow.

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hello everyone can anyone help me ? we're I can see the last season ( 4) ????

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didn't know this show had a fourth season so i was surprised for this availability. this episode was good and im happy to know that this show has an ending!!!

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Yea Jennifer Connelly is back and they have Clark Gregg. So there is hope that this season might be good.

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