Really like this episode. Very reminiscent of a submarine battle.

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I love Quark's maniacal laughter!

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"I don't think anyone is alive up there!" Seriously O'Brien?
On other note, I miss Keiko!

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Like Guitarist said, it's more of a diversion, but a very watchable one... except for the whole not being able to see things. Make sure you plan to watch this episode at night or in a very dark room, because many of the scenes are very dark. It's not a bad thing, and in fact I found it lent a pleasant depth to the drama.

Personally, while I liked the episode as a fun diversion, it made me resent Sisko/Brooks after I'd finally started to like the character. This episode plays the "best girl gets emotional about [Heroic Male Lead] being in danger", and it's clearly made for a male viewer to vicariously pretend that it's about Kiera feeling that way about himself, or at least I've seen many sci-fi serial episodes play out like that, and it's just annoying when it's a character/actor that I can't relate to that personally due to them being kind of insufferable, like with Sisko in DS9, or the Rommie and Dylan episodes with Sorbo in Andromeda. Still, the scenes work fairly well anyway.

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