They seriously need to revamp "Let's fly."

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Michael: “I know Book’s ship, it’s airtight.”
A SHUTTLE JUST DOCKED BOOK’S SHIP WITHOUT HIM NOTICING! Or at least without blackmarket security.

These writers need to be fired.

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Everyone around here is too obsessed with trashing this show (STD does make things easy for them on that matter, sadly), whereas I'm just rooting like a fangirl for Mr. Saru and Vulcan Madam President to get it on.

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Counting the moments until Ruon Tarka is gruesomely killed in an airlock accident. Space assholes are just as bad as regular assholes.

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OMG - now they need a minder to make sure Burnham really tries to stop Book. Sorry, but WTF? If one's so unsure of Burnham, then replace her with someone new and don't just put a minder on her bridge. And BTW, this is a military ship, not a majority wins kind of decision making process. So, whatever private ideas anyone might have, they should stay private, and everyone should just act professionally. This ship reminds me of some kind of kindergarten.

And the operation let's dock a shuttle on Book's seemingly airtight ship... okay, so it's not quite airtight. And let's not mention interior sensors, even if the shuttle had docked unnoticed, shouldn't the sensors pick up 4 new life forms on the ship and therefore ruin any surprise?

And surprise, surprise, the DMZ was launched from the outside - wasn't that the whole purpose of that Federation session back a few episodes? And surprise, surprise, when one DMZ/mining facility is destroyed another one's sent. And the owners aren't going to be happy now. Who writes such nonsense?

And please, why is everyone still whispering dramatically on this show?

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I just don't know where this season is going. Something major has to change or it's going to bring the entire series crashing down with it

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This federation has fought wars. Ruthless. Determined. Sent people into certain death when necessary. Well trained officers staying calm in crisis. On TNG there's even an episode on this where officers train to send fellow comrades into certain death for the sake of the greater good. And this crew needs a chaperon cause they are so overwhelmed by their feelings to Book and they won't stop talking about their feelings and get hysterical? You have a well devised battle plan. You had your orders. Lock your weapons and destroy them. At first chance. Problem solved. But you screwed that up. Good luck with first contact.

That ship is not a well-oiled military battle cruiser nor a vessel for bold exploration. It's like a self-therapy asylum. I could probably live with that but even the emotional stories are told extremely badly ...

Plus, that title. Rubicon. Do the authors even know what that means? Who has deliberately crossed the point of no return and started the civil war? I don't get it....

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Tarka's actions were 100% predictable, as his motivation granted him no other option. Yet once more nobody saw it coming. Standard Discovery plot quality.

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something about a controller and allot of whining in front of a green-screen

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I just imagine a Kirk or Picard as a fly on the wall and both telling Burnham to act as a captain and get herself and crew pulled together, act like professionals and get their job done.

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Why do these two yellow vests start arguing in the shuttle? Ffs, this should be a military-like starship, not a self-help group where everybody needs to express their feelings and get reassured.

And what was even the point to bring back the woman in blue? She was only there to ensure that Book's ship gets destroyed if things go sideways. But no, they screw this up as well and then there are no repercussions?! Like "Oh well, they ignited the bomb anyways, but I'm glad you're here, let's stay friends shall we?". What is going on here?

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Shout by DAVY X

Good episode
and I absolutely loved
the Ship to ship
Jump scenes,
that was frickin awesome.
and once again
Michael impressed the
Hella out of me for her
determination on
The preservation of
"Now that is proper
Trek", Starfleet
through and through.
I have so much respect
for Captain Burnham
but seeing what she's
willing to do to save
Lives or save a Life
Well she's definitely
one of the best Captains
and she's gone even
further up in my
Huge is amazing as
always and I'm
Loving Saru and Madam
president, more please.

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