Wow, this was way better than I expected it to be.

A bit sad, that the federation seems to have strayed from its main mission.

The participation of Star Trek veterans as producers shows. Buildings and technology look like they belong in the ST Universe, no 2 million gigantic technological leaps in the first 45 minutes (well one, but that one is kind of needed...)

Best of all: They concentrated on the story instead of preaching some agenda.
So thats a 9/10 from me.

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Much better than I had feared. From some of the rumors I had heard my expectations were low. Screw all that. It was pretty good. I'm not saying they still don't have time to cock the whole thing up but some of my optimism has returned. Let's hope this is more Mandalorian than Last Jedi or Fall of Skywalker.

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I don't want to fall into the trap, again, that my expectations are getting the best of me. But I am cautiously optimistic this could be the kind of Star Trek I was waiting for. I had never thought I see the day Picard comes back on screen/TV. Of course it is helpful that they are building this on TNG mythology. It is something I can connect to more easily. Known faces and references surrounding a new mystery. It's not perfect but it shows flashes of what it could become.

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Way better than I was expecting. I'm pretty sure the show will find its footing right away. The story is compelling and it really follows onto events that are part of Star Trek's canon. As they say, I am all in for the journey ahead.

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Spoiler: You would think that acknowledging that Star Trek: Nemesis happened would be a bad thing. This show is near perfect though and far better than the overly in your face PC and “so brave” Star Trek: Discovery.
I am pretty disappointed and bummed about Dahji though. There wasn’t enough of her. They introduced an engaging character and yeah.... The whole twin thing feels cliche. I liked Dahji.

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A solid beginning, I am cautious but hopeful for this show. Patrick Stewart really carries it

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I could've done without the spoilers reel at the end, but they've shown their hand, and...I'm all in!

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I really enjoyed the first episode - shows so much promise.

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Shout by JustJeff
BlockedParent2020-01-27T23:50:11Z— updated 2020-05-04T12:38:27Z

Very promising premier. Doesn't seem like they're going to dumb this down at all. Keep it as smart as TNG, but with better action scenes. I'm excited to see where this goes. Oh, and Patrick Stewart is a god.

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After the first episode, I have very high hopes for Star Trek: Picard. Star Trek: Discovery certainly has its place, but thankfully the two shows would not seem to be similar at all.

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The first episode was pretty nice. The quality is very very well done. Just couldn't find that feeling to give it a 9. I have good hopes for this one tho!

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Having come off a fresh watch of the entire TNG series, Generations, First Contact, Insurrection, Nemesis - that conversation between Picard and Dahj at Starfleet archives was absolutely perfect. Compassionate. Classic Picard.

Wait. Those people at Picard’s house are Romulan? Wtf? Why do they look so different? They’re humans with pointy ears. Are they half-breeds?

Wait. Are you serious with that Borg ship? Wtf?

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People have called the series overall slow, but this episode moves at the speed of a bullet train with a laser focus on getting from point A to point B. It’s almost cinematic in that respect, abandoning the diffuse storytelling focusing on several different characters and the separate plots that characterize modern prestige TV. Instead, there’s one plot, and every second of the episode dedicated to advancing it. Even better, it sets the context of Picard’s past up extremely effectively. One hardly needs to be a Star Trek expert to grasp what’s happening here. I loved it.

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Shout by Ward

There's too much to critique, and i don't have the energy for it, nor do i want to spend the time doing so. Just watch the redlettermedia Star Trek: Picard - re:View.

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Solid start to a carry on something very very special to me from 1987
Way back when.

Really hope they keep this to the standard we are accustomed to and they don't go sjw woke broke
Bull-crap. All good so far and I am very intrigued why and how the Romulans have got their hands on a Borg Cube.

I'm still cut up and have a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye still after losing Data back in
Star Trek Nemesis....
GOODBYE......I Died that stardate.

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I can only say one word: Captain Picard <3
He is the man who I grew up watching his tv series, and for that, I am a Star Trek fan and a space geek...

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Watched it again and gonna binge watch the rest. It was still good. Better than the 1st time I watched it. I don't like that Vulcan / Romulan though. It's frightening the Federation have a Borg Cube. Are we supposed to know how Data died.

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Boring as hell. What a load of crap. And, Earl Grey DECAF? You got to be f... kidding me.

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Like meeting up with an old friend and feeling as though you've never been apart.
Absolutely wonderful, I hope the rest of the series is as good as this was.

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[Initial Impression]. YAYY!! I'm sure there were high expectations from STAR WARS: NEXT GENERATION fans, I was one of them and I am very delighted. Top notch production with beautiful CGI. Heartfelt story telling. Wonderful cast. Patrick Stewart!! Cameos with Data. Just all-round perfect. I give this first episode a 10 (perfect) out of 10. [SciFi Drama]

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I’m all in :diamonds::spades::hearts::clubs:

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Shout by Deleted

Terrible french accent!! Love the show tho!

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Interesting beginning. Maybe a bit early to say whether I like this show, but not a bad start

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Going to give measured ratings on these eps until I can see where it's going.

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Shout by Deleted

This is the Star Trek we have been waiting for. Engage!!

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A very good pilot!
I am curious, where it will go.
Based on the trailer after the episode, it will be a rogue group flying around, instead of a starfleet ship.

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