That's actually an episode that seems embedded into an overarching story line that goes all the way back to episode 1. That's good. Kes is an interesting character. The Ocampa and the symbiosis with the caretaker entity are worth to be explored. Hope Kes gets another chance to meet her people - if they lean to behave. Stakes are high. That's good too. This episode could have been better though. Why not try to earn their friendship after all what happened? Why not explore the Ocampa colony? I mean they still want to find a way to fast travel back to Earth and this entity might have an answer to this. This feels so inconsequential - I wonder if they will ever continue this plot line or if that's the last time we've heard from a caretaker.

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Shout by FinFan

I am astonished that only ten months have past as I would have suspected maybe eighteen or so. I don't listen to the stardates that closely. At that rate it would have taken 2184 episodes to get home. How many season's that ?

OK, seriously, this is one of the few occasions where I don't have a "but" when I say I liked the episode. It was a good point to re-introduce the idea of the second Caretaker and even the open end makes sense. That way she might still be the solution to getting them home. We also see that the Ocampa are much more than meets the eye and that they have a huge potential. One could make the argument though, that would only be possible with the help fom Susperia. But that's open for debate at this point.

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Suspiria and the other Ocampo; loads of unanswered questions... Kes is on a bad path :(

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