I like this episode. Defending the ship against an alien species, human resourcefulness and resilience, human ability to cooperation, and kind of romantic banter between Paris and B'Elanna. Are they now officially a couple?

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Shout by FinFan

Would have been better if it had been a scientific mystery. Quite frankly those aliens-take-over-Voyager episode go nowhere. You know by the end everything is back to normal. And the whole think only works if you accept the many holes in the story. In this specific case the aliens weren't even interesting.
At best this is a stand-alone episode with some action but not a lot of thrill.

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So Tom and B'Elanna use the last shot of their weapon to take down their enemy, but don't take the enemy's weapon or the enemy that succumbed to the cold? What a complete and utter failure on the writer's part! No one with with any survival training would leave a weapon behind. This alone was enough to ruin the entire episode, which was already marginal at best.

The end was even worse! Leave the bastards in the cold environment! Their entire way of life is unacceptable and should be brought to justice by every civilization they took over through subterfuge.

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Every silly detail is okay, since it's a mid 90s show. But what is not okay is aliens opening sickbay's and bridge's (which are supposed to be the safest/ most protected area of the ship) with their bare hands...

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Pretty cool concept, with middling execution. The environment that the aliens create for the crew look suspiciously similar to the Hawaiian holodeck program... also, are they all just meant to live in that square together? No individual homes, or bedrooms?

Disappointed that yet again we get an alien race who just look like humans. It's also taking a stupid amount of time for Tom an B'Elanna to progress their friendship into something more, it feels like this has been going on for ages now.

I also noticed that the crew's reactions to an alien's sudden appearance on the ship last week was very different to what it was here. Maybe it depends what mood they're all in.
For all that, I enjoyed the episode quite a bit.

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