As I'd feared, no sooner has Voyager introduced a menacing new enemy than they completely neuter them and render them a pretty weak threat. The Hirogen here just want to play games and argue amongst themselves. Remember when we first met them and they were about to eviscerate Tuvok alive? The double-episode could have easily been a single, and I can only imagine that the production needed to justify the use of all the WW2 sets.

I expect this was addressed in the episode and I just missed it, but... the crew are on the holodeck, right? Couldn't they just say "computer, give me an extra 100 soldiers fighting on our side", or "computer, give us more advanced weapons"? Were the whole crew locked out of the system?

It all felt a bit pointless and silly to me.

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Any episode where the crew get to venture away from the ship is a often a win. I find these episodes to be often visually appealing and entertaining, and The Killing Game nailed it for me, particularly with the costume and set design. The Nazi/Hirogen parallels cause some appropriate discomfort and added depth to the plot.

8/10 'cause I'm stingy with points.

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I think this episode is quite entertaining. There is something about a Hirogen in a Wehrmacht uniform. And it was interesting that the characters, more or less, stayed true to who they are. Even Janeway and Seven's alter egos were clashing horns.
I didn't like the setup , meaning that we haven't seen ´how the Hirogen were able to overwhelm Voyager. Starting right into the simulations did not have the impact they probably were going for. I found the idea of a Hirogen that tries to find a future for his people through the means of a holodeck interesting and his motivations, for me, were believable. What I absolutely don't get is Janeway giving away Federation tech freely - something she always refused to do no matter the circumstances. But that's Voyager for you.
For once they had no need to cover up Roxann Dawsons pregnancy, they just made it part of the story. I had no idea that Marc Metcalf was in this episode. So far I only knew him from the Twisted Sister videos of the 80s

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About time Janeway fired a weapon when she needed to. She is the worst captain to protect her crew.

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