Shout by LeftHandedGuitarist
BlockedParent2018-07-16T15:44:42Z— updated 2018-07-17T17:46:48Z

A mostly engaging episode, made somewhat better by the presence of Lori Petty (I suspected it was her from the moment we see her eyes, and certainly once we heard her voice). Tuvok and Paris make for a good pairing because the sparks can fly, and it was pretty interesting to see some of Tuvok's history - although, the events depicted thoroughly contradict the backstory that showrunner Jeri Taylor wrote for Tuvok in the novel 'Pathways'.

The time dilation was quite cool and I would say it's the only surprising thing in an otherwise predictable episode.

A lot of this reminded me of the TNG episode 'Liasons', just with more dynamics. I'm not sure I ever really bought the potential romance between Noss and Tuvok, but they both played it honestly.

It got me thinking that Voyager REALLY needs to train more medical staff up in the event that the Doc is really separated from the ship for a long time. I think this has been discussed before but never really enacted.

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Tuvok: "I feel nothing."
Me (muttering): "pffth, liar."

Tuvok: "I do not have such feelings."
Me (calmly): "Ah haaah, but youuu doooo, you lying liar."

Tuvok: "I told you, I don't experience emotion."
Me (full on shouting at the TV screen): "YOU GODDAMN FUCKING LIAR!"

LOL! This episode is a brief exploration into Tuvok's past, a bit of the foundation that shaped the stoic Commander, and a little look at the man behind the mask. Thoroughly enjoyable. Also, a plus to have Noss played by the talented (and beautiful) Lori Petty. Tuvok would have had to be blind... and dead...

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I'm a doctor. Not a battery.

Interesting idea. Boring execution. It feels like they spend 10 days or so at the planet. Obviously they spend years there but you can't really see that.

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An interesting opportunity to look into the Vulcan psychological side. I wonder what Tuvok shared through his Mind Meld at the end. It seemed to lift Voss' spirits

For me, I know it's a matter of survival but eating spiders. I don't think I could recover from that

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Shout by FinFan

As it stands the episode is too superficial to really have impact. It's pretty much a failed romance that wants to explain why Tuvok is so Uber-Vulcan. Would have liked to see more of the struggles of young Tuvok. I also don't think they portrayed the time delation that well.

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