It all starts so well. A likable Captain; a "banter" with Tuvok. Then: Kes on a rampage. Gosh no. Why? I still don't get it. Good to hear from her again, but I don't really understand her reasons till the end. That's so not her. This episode spoiled her legacy (which is mediocre anyway). Don't think too hard about the time travel mechanics. As it's customary, it doesn't make sense. It's perhaps the most interesting aspect of the story though.

PS: they even bring back the Vidiians and over-protecting Neelix. It's the worst of the worst from the disaster that was season one.

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Not every day I agree with the comments here but this episode was weird. I would have rather seen Kes come back in a better light. Happier as that was her entire nature. Her desire to return home checks out in her old age tho so I’ll give them that.

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Darn.. I thought we were gonna get rid of these 2 twits once and for all... And how is it in Voyager they can transport thru shields at will??

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Nothing in this episode makes sense given how we knew Kes from earlier in the series and how she parted with Voyager the last time we saw her.

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Nice idea but it doesn't make much sense, does it?

Nothing in Kes's behavior ever gave an indication that she could become that furious and vengeful. And the explanation given to us as to why she changed is a lukewarm excuse for what the writer wanted to achieve.

As much as I usually enjoy time travel, this one lands on its belly.

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While it works as far as dramatic presentation, none of it makes sense. Seeing Brannon Braga in the credits was a tip off that it was going to be all drama, but very light on logic or consistency, and, as expected, the time travel aspects, while well structured as a television episode, make no sense either from a theoretical standpoint or from a character standpoint. Braga really just doesn't have any ability to write the science part of "science fiction".

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What a bizarre way to bring Kes back, and ultimately send her off again. Nothing about it rings true or follows naturally from the last time we saw her, and it left me both confused and mostly annoyed at the lack of care that went into it all. Still, the time travel aspect allows for a bit of fun by transplanting us back to season 1 Voyager, and the battle with the Vidiians has some cool stuff.

This episode feels like a missed opportunity in so many ways. It could have finally resolved the Neelix/Kes relationship which was sort of handled off-screen previously. It could have been a positive story that gave the crew new hope and let them reconnect with an old friend as well as being able to say goodbye properly (this is especially true for the Doctor). Instead it's unnecessarily bitter.

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