LOOK: 65
FEEL: 55

A story teaching us how to deal with adolescents and the unknown, but a slow, tedious and mostly awkward adventure confined within the Enterprise.

59% = :heavy_minus_sign:

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In this episode, we see the Enterprise take on a new passenger, a 17 year old boy who had seemingly been able to survive on his own for 14 years while stranded on a deserted planet. He behaves strangely and appears a bit lost, severely lacking in social skills. However, this notion quickly fades as he begins using his powers on a whim, or simply to get the attention he so desperately craves. The way in which this character is introduced to us and the enormous danger he represents to the crew on board the Enterprise felt uneven. But my main gripe with this episode is that it drags at times. The story could have developed into a sort of dramatic hostage situation, but it never really lives up to its full potential. The absences of Sulu and Scotty are also noticeable.

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Started off creepy and uncomfortable, ended up quite sad and poignant. Quite enjoyed how awkward Captain Kirk got trying to explain things to Charlie. The musical interlude was very out of place.

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I don't like that episode. Plot isn't really awesome; very slow at times. That's a coming out of age story in space. Like in previous episode they added the usual sauce: a supernatural alien being disguised as a human and being able to manipulate minds (or even worse). I'm really afraid that this topic will repeated in this show ad nauseam.

  • Is that where the singer got her name from?
  • That beehive she's rocking is awesome. That's a ten out of ten on the official Winehouse scale.
  • Captain Kirk is the obvious choice to explain why a clap on the arse ain't a good idea. Could there be a spin-off to that scene: Kirk talking to Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton or Robin Thicke about appropriate behavior with regard to women?
  • The writers needed someone to sing a song and guess who they have chose Uhura, 'cause, well, she's black and every Afro-American in showbiz is a singer right? Ain't that racist AF?
  • The gym scene is good though: Men in Tights!
  • Why are people that tanned? The studio is in southern California alright but the Enterprise isn't.
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Charlie is angry cause he can't see his forehead.

(Ref. Spongebob Squarepants)

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omg, he can realize whatever he says, actually i want this ability too

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charlie looks like he's about to spontaneously combust every time he gets flustered

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The premise is great, but it is just not entertaining. The story is told in a very awkward way; very much befitting the adolescent exemplar.

I remember watching it before, I had to buz through this time. It is just unwatchable. The only reason I rated it as high as I did was the concept is quite solid and the exploratory story is surprisingly deep. The execution just leaves too much to be desired.

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