Very silly but quite fun. I really dislike the episodes that show a convenient Earth-like civilisation, but this one did it quite well.

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A whole civiisation based off a book about Chigaco and it's gangster wars; now there's a thought!

They speak about uniting the factions; modern day world affairs should take note, what with Brexit and Trump!

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I really only seemed to have ever watched the greatest hits and clips. Even episodes I thought I’d seen, much of it is unfamiliar. Shatner as a gangster is brill.

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There was actual talk back in the mid 90s to re-visit this episode for the 30th Anniversary that than became DS9s "Trials and Tribble-ations"

The idea by Ron Moore was that they go back to Iotia where everyone was running around as Starfleet officers and imitating the Federation. It was supposed to be a bit tongue-in-cheek towards the Star Trek fandom. I would have liked to see that but it probably wouldn't work story-wise if you think about a Federation Vessel going there each year. How could they be surprised by that developement ?

Anyway, another fun episode that was born out of the need of cost saving. Kirk inventing Fizz-bin is really great especially when you consider that Shattner did likewise on set. Meaning, he himself came up with all that nonsense rules on-the-fly.

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What is up with Kirk and the accent? I can only assume it was Shatner's desire to talk like a gangster and not something the writers or director intended.

Overall, I thought the episode was a disappointment. I was really looking forward to it and figured with an already culturally contaminated planet the stupid walking on eggshells junk could be tossed out the window. After the initial fiasco I would have thought the gloves would have come off. Shoot first, ask questions later. That is what stun is for... but no, they don't even draw their phasers and get waylaid, not once, but several more times. Complete stupidity.

Why they didn't stun everyone on the surface from the get go is beyond me.

The solution at the end is good, but dis Bones really leave his communicator behind or is he messing with Kirk? If he did, why don't they go back and get it? Ugh...

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