Shout by FinFan

For once, wouldn't it be nice to have a stories initial premise come true ? That they really are a bunch of benevolent beings who after 100000s of years have decided to share their knowledge ? The possibilities to pick up on those characters in later shows would have been amazing. Of course there was no one even thinking about other shows at the time. So we get just another evil character from "the other side". At least it got Nimoy another opportunity to play out of character.

Side note: it's funny if you watch it today building an Android out of 60s circuit boards that even then didn't look very futuristic. But, hey, not complaining. Just saying.

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The "risk is our business" speech got me genuinely excited. Other than that, this was a clever and twisty episode with Leonard Nimoy giving quite a creepy, unhinged performance. Wouldn't it be great if every time you were having a conversation, you turned around there was Spock casually leaning against the doorway, making a sarcastic comment.

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Yeah; this was never going to end well was it. Very shortsighted here of Kirk, he put his ship, his crew and heck probably the whole universe at risk by allowing 'people' entombed for years an opportunity to take a body again

Not thought through enough

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Wow, Diana Muldaur was instantly recognizable to me. I should’ve guessed that she would’ve appeared in TOS at some point.

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Oh another strange brain globe. The general premise is not totally bad though. It's fiction after all. And there's the repetitive element of telepathic/mind manipulating/body overtaking/god-like creatures. We see a lot of similar ideas in later shows of the franchise. Despite this repeating pattern it's still quite entertaining. I like that Kirk's risk affinity is driven by curiosity. What could go wrong? The unfolding story is unique. I like it. The only thing that was never explained whether these aliens are really related to them or whether that was just a trick to lure them into their cunning plan. Plus, what's now happening with the two entities? Can they now survive on the planet? Were their deteriorated stasis chamber or whatever that was fixed?

The technical execution feels very dated though (the brain globe, the voice distortion, the strange score, the energy field). Plus, it's a bit slow. But it must have been a field day for Nimoy. He's great in this episode.

PS: even overtaken by an alien the captain only had one thing on his mind. That's kind of relatable since all female crew members are hot AF (excuse my French)

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