Even with the way he looks here, you can’t deny that Palpatine has charisma.

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Shout by Agent24

Another amazing episode. Loved the senate scenes and especially the Emperor‘s appearance.

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So, the Ramart act is realized... through the actions revealing the attack on Kamino. Oh, I love all those plots and plans within plans. There's a reason Palpatine came into power - granted, he might have manipulated minds right and left, but he also had a talent for politics, for knowing his opponents.

Echo's leaving the batch and joining Rex - I hope that means more episodes about Rex's mission to liberate the clones. Honestly, the whole batch should just leave Omega at some safe place and join Rex - she's the only thing that's preventing them from doing that in the first place. Her naivety is annoying.

On a sidenote. Why doesn't Rampart recognize Omega? And why doesn't she even know that Coruscant is the capital of the empire (and the late republic)?

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Once again Bad Batch is best when it’s not focused on the Batch, and Echo leaving almost seems like an admission of that and defeat that he never really fit in the structure. The Palpatine twist is excellent, from his arrival to the performance. Bad Batch is an occasional anthology galaxy spanning series trapped in a formulaic adventure of the week A Team esque show, but the glimpses of the former make it worth it.

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This was a terrific! I really enjoyed all of the Senate stuff here and in the previous episode. Rex, Bail and the other Senator coming back from the Clone Wars was a nice touch of storytelling.

It's amazing to think of how elaborate Palpatine's planning was. He was so far ahead of everyone. Handing out Ls left and right until Luke came of age lol.

This might be a cartoon but it pretty much has shown us the Genocide of Kamino and what the aftermath caused for the rest of the Galaxy.

I'm really looking forward to the rest of the season now.

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Just like from the very beginning, Emperor Palpatine was several steps ahead. We're finally seeing how the Clones went away, and ushered in the Imperial Stormtrooper.

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Those were by far the two best episodes of the season and maybe even of the show.

We all knew what the outcome of this story would be, there was no other way. But seeing it now, how it all transpired, was phantastic. Palpatine was ahead of the curve all the time. He always has a contingency plan. I wonder what will happen to Rampart now, because I doubt we've seen the last of him.

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