Shout by redmen

Introduction to represent Dark... Maul !
Wonderful coming back for next episodes I guess

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Savage definitely lives up to his name

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So, I guess size does matter after all.

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Shout by LeftHandedGuitarist
BlockedParent2020-02-10T15:48:36Z— updated 2020-02-13T18:01:27Z

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the character with the stupidest name in Star Wars: Savage Opress.
Pretty great episode though, and Clancy Brown's voice is always a treat.

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Shout by sisdog
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-08-03T01:29:40Z— updated 2018-09-08T23:37:52Z

So he attacks, takes a base and defeats a jedi and apprentice with out a lightsaber and no force powers. Hmmm.

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I enjoyed this one...but, the violence was a bit more brutal than usual.

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6.7/10. There was some interesting material here. Seeing the Dathomir men compete in what amounted to the Evil Olympics had a lot of cool visual flourishes, and did a good job of reinforcing Ventress's skills as a warrior, and establishing the relationship between Savage and his brother that the episode would eventually use to establish the change in him. Plus, there's a real Diablo vibe to the goings-on of Dathomir that I appreciate.

But as an introduction to Dooku's new right-hand assassin, it dragged in a lot of places and fell into some lazy tropes. The "suddenly evil, hulking brute" stereotype has some juice to it in terms of visuals, but his final scene defeating some Jedi at a random temple felt tacked on, and the whole journey for the character felt rushed. Plus, "Savage Opress" is a really silly name for a bad guy. I've appreciated the idea of the Nightsisters arc so far, but there was a lot of wheelspinning here in trying to introduce a character and doing a half-hearted, cliche job of it.

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