I got so bored with this episode. This felt like all my hopes of what season 3 was were dashed and it turned into what I feared. So boring, it felt like they wanted to make a Pixar movie or something and they made Sponge Bob. Started the next episode and I fear this is a series that I'll be stopping and starting as I struggle through it until hopefully it gets back to the good stuff.

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For me - this is one of the lowest points of the series (not counting Jar-Jar staring episodes). As season opening they obviously tried to make something different, setting the story underwater, but they didn't succeed. I've seen Clone wars series at least 3 times and the first 3 episodes of season 4 are certainly most boring in my view.

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7.2/10. I know I complained about undifferentiated action in the context of the Citadel arc, and in truth this wasn't much different. Frankly, it was more of what's been a part of the Clone Wars storytelling toolbox from the beginning -- a video game style narrative. What I mean by that is rather than a natural story progression, the show just cycles through battle after battle with increasingly difficult enemies and the occasional boss fight.

But you know what? It worked here. Maybe it was the fun of seeing Admiral (er..Captain) Akbar in action, or the thrill of all the well-animated, surprisingly well staged and easy to follow underwater fights, but I didn't even mind that it was basically a typical "here's the race of good guys and the race of bad guys" stories, replete with a reject from Street Sharks to play the sneering, aquastash-twirling villain. The aquadroids and hydroid medusas were cool enemies, and seeing Akbar take Prince Lee-Char under his fin and guide him through this baptism by firewater was simple, but effective. Not the most brilliant episode the show's ever done, but solidly entertaining and enjoyable throughout.

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Finally. An episode I enjoyed. It was like the dogfights in space from the movies but underwater, revolving around some of my favourite species in Star Wars.

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