Shout by wpafbo79
BlockedParent2021-06-15T08:02:53Z— updated 2021-08-01T06:43:26Z

Take it out, put it back, take it out... how many times is Daniel going to pull out the poison and then do nothing? WTF?

Did Daniel nod in response while on the communicator? You have to say something dumbass. Jacob can't see you...

Squares are 2 dimensional by the way... probably not the shape you had in mind... can't believe nobody caught that!

For being a major, Carter is really bad at estimating speed over rough terrain. For being a physicist, she is incredibly bad at math. There is no way they can make a mile every 15 minutes in rough terrain carrying an injured person. And if they could, they are between 20 and 25 miles from the transmitter, which at 4 miles an hour is not going to take 9 hours...

On the upside, this is how the plot progresses. We saw more plot progression in the past two episodes than the entire rest of the season so far.

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A mile every 15 minutes… Four miles per hour through hilly, forested terrain while carrying a stretcher? I doubt it, Carter.

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I'm so tired of that whining wimp Daniel hesitating and generally screw things up.

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