Noah Shnapp as Will is absolutely incredible. The scene where he describes everything to his mom a cries about how he just wants it all to go away, I believed him every word. As a parent it tore my heart to imagine my kid suffer like that. Millie as Eleven and her scene with her mom was also superb. Plus Sadie Sink as Max... I have no words... Everything about this show is an absolute perfection!

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Shout by Tshepiso
BlockedParent2023-03-25T06:51:34Z— updated 2023-03-26T13:47:50Z

I'll be honest I'm not as engaged with the plot of this season so far. It has no real thrust and the motivations of the characters aren't as engaging. The biggest drag is probably Jonathan and Nancy. Their plot to "take down" Hawkins Lab just feels contrived and silly. I'm not liking Hopper either. I don't understand why they wrote him to be a toxic dad to El. It just feels unnecessary and doesn't serve anything imo. El could still feel trapped and unhappy without him literally screaming at and pushing around a child.

It's not all Ls Max is an interesting new character and Will's residual trauma and connection to the upsidedown has some pathos. I do wish Joyce was allowed to be less jittery and manic all the time. It made sense in season 1 when her child was missing and there was a wider conspiracy but it does feel a bit overdone and stagnant now. A more self-assured but still fearful Joyce would be a nice change of pace.

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Yeah sorry Dustin, I’m gonna have to dock you a few points for keeping a baby demogorgon as a pet. Granted you found it at a stage where it didn’t have obvious flower petal lips, and you probably didn’t know it was the creature Will was impregnated by in the Upside Down, but yeah you still kinda should’ve known better. Your cat’s death is no one’s fault but your own dude.

Still, it was great to see more chilling moments from Will, and Nancy pulling a smart by tape recording the laboratory criminals.

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Shout by vanesa

The scenes between Hopper + El and Joyce + Will are so raw, I love it!

Dustin hiding Dart is VERY frustrating. As someone who is aware of the Demogorgon and the Upside Down, he definetely should know better.

The reveal of Nancy and Jonathan's plan made me cheer, not gonna lie it was very cool. They are lucky that the bad guys didn't search their bags tho

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I don't like how slow this season is advancing. Season 1 was like much more fast paced and eventful. You watch 50minutes and you can sum it up in 2 sentences.
Hopper finds a network of tunnels underground after analyzing Wills visions. Darts finally becomes the monster it was from the beginning. Finally, the two stupid lovebirds want to expose the lab to somehow, clouded by their ignorange, "burn it to the ground", not knowing that that would lead to the opposite.

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This episode was the best of this season so far, but I'm really mad at Dustin and hate Maxine's brother. He is a creeper and weirdo. Dustin was stupid to leave Dart alone at home. Will already warned him about ranger the creature pose. I'm really engaging about Will's sorry ao far. He is the best character of this season. Lucas, Joyce and Hopper are the others chrarcters that I'm enjoying so far. Nancy and Jonathan are boring and I don't hate Steve anymore. The soundtrack in this episode das amazing and the and das thrilling. I can't wait to watch the next episode! 9/10!

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So when did the government start caring about civvies? They showed them everything and gave the keys back to go home? lols

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That ending scene was spectacular. It was reminiscent of The Thing, at least for me.

This season is turning out to be much better than the first, which was 'just ok' for me, nothing impressive, with lazy writing.

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Good to see Nancy using her brains for a change. Mg heart goes out to Will and Joyce, especially. Being a mother myself, it would kill be more to see my child going through such evil.

I'm glad Eleven saw what she saw. I'm waiting for a confrontation scene.

My baby Dustin. I hope you're right about Dart.

And just let Max in the party, you petty Mike! She's cooler and as badass as, and less annoying than, Eleven!

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"Oh jesus!"

Well said Hopper!

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Shout by Douglas

Oh, Dustin, you adorkable idiot. I hope there's still some way Dart doesn't end up being the Harbinger of Doom, but come on. You should have known better.

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The things in motion, for now, continues well

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I don't know who gets the credit for the kids that were cast for this show, but they're really delivering. Brown (Eleven) and Schnapp (Will), in particular, turn in phenomenal performances in this one. Eleven needs to remember the bit about being careful what you wish for...

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Shout by Thi D.

this episode was amazing. that end was insane.

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Shout by theGLDT

The action finally picks up

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Shit!!! The last scene!!! The new Dart!!! Dustin!!! Your mother is going to kill you.
OMG!!! What's going on with Will??
This is too much... And we saw mama... Damn....

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Leave the cats alone!! RIP Meow-meow! You'll be missed (not as much as Barb but...).

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I really like that last shot. The camera turning upside down when Hooper is underground entering the upside down's tentacle creature's path was great.

Dart must really be short for Demogorgon. RIP Mews the cat.

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Well, now that I’ve finished this episode I’m not so sure about Dart anymore, lol.

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Dart is the cutest thing on earth. And the writers should’ve killed Nancy instead of Barb.

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Honestly the kid that plays Will is an excellent actor, both him and Millie are great actors

Dustin you stupid, I know that creature was cute but I wouldn't keep him alive since you knew he's connected to the upside world somehow and now great!!! The Demogorgon is born again F***!!

Side note RIP Dog, it's Dustin's fault

Nancy I doubted you but sh*t!! Planning all this ahead was smart, now she has recordings of them admitting everything and she gonna expose them, lets hope everything goes well

Also El might be a girl named Jane, I'm in episode 4 still not sure but I prefer calling her El

Also that scene of El and Hopper was amazing, I know some people gonna blame Hopper for acting like a d*ck but just know that he cares about her and he's trying to keep her save so I do understand how he acted and to be honest El was Brat, BRAT the word of the day LOL

Great episode but now it seems like everything is going shitstorm so I'm worried about what happens next

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