Shouts about...

Stranger Things

Season 3

I thought season 2 was a great way to end the show, but thought, well let´s give this a shot. This season was bad, really bad. The first one and the second were much more mysterious and kind of original but this one not. Everything is just a copy of older movie and shows and not in an original way.

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This season relied too much on jump & sound scares.
Will was just a Captain Obvious with his "danger incoming". The soviet villain is so cliché but serves its purpose. But I don't like the way it handles the relationships with Hopper and Billy. The pacing in general was off.

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I'm not sure what happened in the 3rd season, but they must've fired all the previous writers, because this was absolutely terrible. A complete waste of time.

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This season flayed my mind! No boring episodes for ME.

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Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2019-12-22T15:22:15Z— updated 2022-05-05T05:30:25Z

I can't understand why everyone loves Stranger Things. The first season was dull and too watered down yet fairly enjoyable, the second season tried to offer a bigger menace for the characters but got me tired quickly. Sure it has great production value but gets all over the place with too little substance. Being kind of attached to the characters is the only reason to keep watching. I wasn't looking forward to season three and struggled to watch it until the end. Such a sloppy and recycled plot does not justify a full season, it's was barely enough for a movie. Nothing happens until the last bunch of episodes and by then you couldn't care less. The new bad guys are so random it almost felt like a joke. Russians??? And something like the most incompetent Russian minions in the world. Also, enough of those ridiculous gags and songs just made to be picked up as memes on the internet.

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1 > 3 >> 2

The second and third seasons make me appreciate how comparatively effortless the first one is. Apart from being fresh, that one nails the tricky balance of committing to and subverting the 80s tropes nicely, while having a consistently engaging adventure with a great cast. The second goes a different way, out of the creators' reach, and become a characters-separated drag.

This third gains back some of the charm, even if it feels slightly strained and repeated somewhat, with now barely any little moment of character/trope subversion that makes the first so fun even in its down time. The middle here drags a little bit as a result, from some characters becoming more one note (David Harbour especially gets the short end by his character having a grating note of boorish belting half the time), as the season focuses more on plot with many moving part and character groups. Going "season 1 but bigger" may make the characters suffer a bit but pay off in the spectacle department though, which is often exciting, and sometimes disgusting in a most fun way. Also has the best ending episodes yet too.

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It's a great season, but not like season 1 at all. Season one was very mysterious, well written, and the plot was believable (like not real, but the story was believable, the actor action and consequences...)

This season is great, visual are nice the filming and story is interesting and the joke are cool. But I keep getting taken out of the show by overly unbelievable thing. Not just on monster side, story plot hole, but also by characters which were much more human in the first one.

Also it's not mysterious as the first season was, it feel like a nice mix of some past ideas that worked.

now don't get me wrong, the season is great, I just can't say is as good as the first.

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Season 3 is easily the weakest season of the show. The comic relief has always been a fun part of Stranger Things, but it seemed like in Season 3 they wanted every scene to contain some form of comic relief. Too many jokes, not enough stranger things. Still a good show, but I hope they move away from the comedy aspect a little bit in season 4.

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On a rewatch, I found the first two episodes a bit better, even though I still think they're kinda weak. But then it gets into rhythm and it becomes so much fun. Also, having rewatched all three seasons in a row, I love all the little connections, callbacks, details and I'm even more convinced that the evolution in terms of tone has been on point.

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This season was weak compared to previous two that we got. The writing value drops significantly and that is one important element that needs to be consistent when you do a series. I hope the writing team gets back on their feet in the next season, but if the writing is still the same as this season, they should just end the series in season 5 or 6 if they can't do it on season 5.

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It's better than season 2 in how it uses the whole nostalgia thing and after a couple of episodes it really gets into a great rhythm. The bizarre thing is that almost everything that happens is incredibly predictable but still it manages to be tense, entertaining and moving. As usual, I think that's because of the great cast and the adorable characters.

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Not as good as the previous seasons, but still entertaining.

I liked that they decided to give small arcs to characters that weren't used much in previous seasons (primarily Billy). These were mostly well done, but not completely. I didn't like how they handled Eleven's and Hopper's relationship, nor Hopper's and Joyce's. All in all, I didn't like how they handled Hopper. Then again, I don't really like Hopper, so I might be biased.

Eleven's subplot was ineteresting as always. The Nancy/Jonathan subplot was as boring as always. The Steve subplot was easily the best. They really did an amazing job with him. Robin was also a welcome addition to the cast. So was Alexei, who was a nice surprise and didn't expect to like him as much as I did.

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I finished Stranger Things 3 over the weekend and I have to say, season three is by far the best, and well worth bingeing towards for anyone who is still on the fence about the show. You can do season one and maybe skip season two (aside from the opening and closing episodes), but three is where it all goes down.. especially for the last part in 3 :exploding_head::fireworks:

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The strangest thing is that this show recovered like season 2 never happened. Wow.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2019-07-05T01:18:26Z— updated 2022-05-25T17:28:15Z

Though I was almost disappointed there was no mention of Matthew Modine or Eleven’s sister. With there more invasion of the Body Snatcher stuff than demogorgon‘s.
Stranger Things season 3 makes a great binge watch either way. It’s fun that season 3 has a Terminator like villain and a Jaws like mayor.
It was a fun and emotional season.

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I really love this show.

I hated the end tho. I HATE it when loving ppl get torn away from each other.
I really hope that in the end of the show be it season 4 or season 5 they will all be together. the ending of season 2 was pretty much perfect.
Also i found it unrealistic that she moves away and tears her son and El away from there friends.
I also hope that Hopper will come back in season 4.
What should i say im a Happy Ending guy.

8/10 for season 3
(s1 and s2 were 10/10 in my ranking)

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This Season started kinda similar to season 2. I saw what the scientists were doing in the lab & was like this looks familiar. I have to give this season props because the character development & humor was great! I still can't help but laugh at what it was like seeing Murray & Hopper interact with each other haha :joy:.

Overall season 3 manages to be a 10/10 in my book would recommend for sure.

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Even better than i remember it being. I love how it gets straight to the action. It doesn't take it's time like seasons 1 and 2.

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Better than series 2. 5/10.

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I didn't like this season. Relied much too heavily on jump scares, plot was meh.

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HOLY SHIT! Each new season keeps upping the intensity and I am ALL for it! While this one started off a little slow and corny, it picks up with it's usual twists and turns and continues to grip your attention like it has before. Definitely a little heavier on emotion this times around amongst all the scares, but it still proves to be one of Netflix's best.

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This is honestly my favourite season. It's fun. I know it might not be the best writing out there, but after season 2 (which was a let down for me after the brilliant first season) it's a nice change of pace. This is the season I always look back on fondly, along with season 1. Most if not all characters actually have a place and it goes from action scenes to comic relief to some of the most tragic moments I've experienced while watching a show.

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They really amped up the colors this season, didn't they?

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Added a point to my original rating because I've come to realize that, though this season took some getting used to, it's really the characters and overall mood and vibe that keep me watching.

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amazing season, well done comedy, new characters well presented, of course it has an allusion to the old movies with children fighting an army but that's ok. the only low point is the anti-communist propaganda, seriously, it seems that the characters and the series itself forgot everything the american government did in the previous two seasons. kidnap children, drug pregnant women, torture children, hide deaths to the point of creating a fake body, try to kill children again, open a fucking interdimensional gate that brings not just one, but two monsters that want to kill everyone, but the real villains are the communists... ok

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after giving the first 2 seasons 8 or 9 this one have a lot of nonsense and much less ... i don't expect much from the next one and even i didn't want it.

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I knew I would binge-watch S3 and I did. Tonight was the night and boy, what a ride. You're in for a well-told story and rich characters. The acting is amazing—especially by the younger cast and I want to highlight Millie Bobby Brown [Eleven] here. She really outdid herself!

However, it was indeed a pretty foreseeable season and the plotline follows Seasons 1 and 2 roughly. Although it has some twists and turns in there, it's not really original anymore.

Overall, I'll still give this a 7/10 but I probably won't watch Season 4 unless a lot of people tell me otherwise. The end of S3 is just amazing and S4 just seems forced. Start something new already, Netflix!

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There's a scene in this season that really encapsulates how I feel about Stranger Things. The geeky girl and the popular boy are tied up by the bad guys and left alone. They have a deep conversation. The geeky girl confesses to the popular guy that she was obsessed with him in high school because "even though they won't admit it, every geek wishes they were a popular kid". This is not how geeks/nerds think, it's how popular kids think geeks/nerds think. The only reason the characters in Stranger Things are geeks/nerds is because those were the kinds of kids who were featured in the '80s movies The Duffer Brothers are ripping off. Like everything else in Stranger Things, it's lifted from those movies, not from life. This is a soulless show.

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A killer Fourth of July awaits the town of Hawkins in Season 3 of Stranger Things. This time Mike and his friends uncover a secret Russian cabal that’s attempting to reopen the gate to the Upside Down; meanwhile the Mind Falyer begins possessing people and builds an army. The show does some clever things using a mall motif and continues to tap into ‘80s nostalgia. But it goes a little too far and gets kind of ridiculous bringing in the Russians. And the child actors are getting a little too old, and have lost a bit of the charm that they had in the beginning. However, some new actors are brought in to freshen things up, and the action is as intense and exciting as ever (though it tends to be more horror focused then previous seasons). Succumbing to the law of diminishing returns, Stranger Things’ third season, while entertaining and fun, stretches for material and has taken the story of Hawkins about as far as it can go.

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  1. Same story again and again and even worst story every season.
  2. What happen with season 2 things? They just ignore that it exist and go ahead.
  3. Now is this a full time comedia?

Conclusion: It's a good serie, funny and whatever but not enough. I don't know if they really have a full story to tell us or just keep moving until we stop watching...

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This season was weak in the middle but the beginning and ending were OK. Hopper and Joyce were both hilarious so it is a pity he is gone.

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This season gets off to a slow and terrible start. If it had been the first season, I might not have even given it the usual three episodes to hook me. But the first two seasons had built up enough of a supply of goodwill that I stuck it out and things finally got going around episode three or four. So if, like me, you watch and find the early outings to be disappointing and out of sync, hang in there. It gets better and then goes on a great run, culminating in a terrific finale. It's just a shame that it had to start out so poorly.

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A bit watered down after previous seasons but still solid entertainment.

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Shout by Emelia

For the sake of your poor, old fans - keep the door open three inches for Jim!!!

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man, the Duffer bros really love strobe lights, dont they?

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Great season with a rocky start. When every new season starts in a series that had complete archs in its previous seasons there is always audience impatience if it doesn't hit the same highs right off the bat. It often takes a few episodes to lay a new foundation, tease out the loose ends and build a framework for another great story. But this season hit a new low. It would have been better to merge the first two episodes, get past "the kids are growing up, romance is in the air" and on to the peril and ingenious response. Once it picks up speed, though, this season is back up to its high potential. The bedrock of this series is its wonderful characters, well delivered. The story arch was inventive, the characters welcoming, the young talent just getting better and better, great new cast members, clever humour and a wonderful revisit to the 80s. The parallel story lines were riveting. Altogether, a great experience. Despite the rocky start, I give season three a 10 out of 10, and maintain my series rating of 10 (totally entertainment) out of 10. [SciFi Mystery Drama]

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Bring on season four. Great show.

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Bring on season 4. 5 words.

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Shout by superrob1500

Very good return to form after a lopsided Season 2. I honestly watched this thinking it was the last season so since apparently it's not, great cause they did leave some stuff hangin'.

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