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Supergirl: Season 1

1x17 Manhunter

Ya Heard? With Perd! The most trusted man in the news biz.

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Characters parents in shows like this and smallville don’t make sense, even if they are protecting her, they’d rather see a new born baby and her mother die than risk Karas secret being exposed. I would say saving a baby’s life is worth it. The army guys a dick.

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This episode only served as filler for me, there was just no point to it. Oh yeah, someone else now knows that Kara is Supergirl and that is none other than Lucy Lane! Also, that ending, Siobhan has superpowers now, what!?

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Ugh Siobhan is SuperAnnoying, we don't want her having superpowers now!

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I still don't understand how no one knows that Kara is Supergirl. Same with Clark Kent being Superman. They only wear glasses. What kind of awful friend are you if you don't recognize your friend when they wear glasses. ugh.

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Lmao Siobhan's scream should have like power thrusted her into the earth since she was on her back??

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How the father of Alex dies, how Alex enters the OED, how Kara enters Katco,the change a nd now what

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J'onn: "I am not a threat."
Jeremiah: "I know that but humans can be ignorant, especially when they're scared."

This is incredibly relevant.

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"I analyzed the typing speed and patterns on the hard drive." You WHAT? I so hate meaningless technobabble.

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The real Hank Henshaw was a douche.

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Shout by Deleted

great one. explains the past

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From now on this show should be called "I Love Lucy", because from now on I really do

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More about Hank and less about Kara and Olsen's feelings made for a good episode. His bad acting just instantly annoys me lol.
Was also nice to get more Dean Caine flashbacks as Kara's Earth dad. As well as flashbacks and insight on the past of Kara and her sister.
Nice if not a little silly Silver Banshee reveal in the end. How could she not know she had that ability ? lol.

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Jeremiah Danvers: The world already has a Superman.
Me (whispering): You'll always be my Superman, Dean Cain.

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