I left this show half way through 4th season. I was already tormenting myself watching it and The Flash and I couldn't still do it. Ive always like the crossovers, ofc when I still loved all the shows they were better but I really anticipated mediocre at best and I got some fun this already so it's better. Still won't be back for most of the shows, just wanting to finish Arrow as it had still some of a main story I wanted to see to the end.

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Part 1: Supergirl, S05E09
Part 2: Batwoman, S01E09
Black Lightning, S03E09
Part 3: The Flash, S06E09
Part 4: Arrow, S08E08
Part 5: DC's Legends of Tomorrow, S05E01

It would be nice if we had this legend on each of the crossover episodes.

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I stopped watching this show at the end of season 3 because it got sooooo bad. I'm talking "so bad it hurts to watch it" bad.
I was lured into watching this episode for the Crisis story line and OMFG.
This show managed to get worse?!?!
How is anyone still watching this? lol

If you're looking for a good DC comics based show, do yourself a favor and watch Harley Quinn.

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Now I am finally on my way with watching this 5 show crossover (however as far as I can tell even before starting to watch this, I would say possibly 6 shows, maybe? As I have seen a screenshot with Black Lightning in it and the title of their episode seems to reflect the Crisis (Black Lightning S03E09)) now that I have all episodes that I need to watch them without having to wait for about a month to see the end. As some people would have read my earlier comment about waiting. (I believe that was written under The Flash S06E07.)

Update: I just watched the shit episode of Black Lightning S03E09 and it Does deal with a fraction of the "Crisis" crossover but barely. So it's basically just has it so they can explain how Black Lightning will show up in the crossover. So it's like a part 2.5 of the crossover but not really! What a mess! But now on to The Flash "Crisis" part 3.

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Shout by dewdropvelvet
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-12-20T11:28:10Z— updated 2019-12-24T21:54:40Z

Not a bad start to crisis on infinite earths. It's a hard one to live up to!

I wonder why they chose to kill off Olly though. I didn't even realize that happened at first.

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Shout by Aid45

That was nothing special. Is Oliver from our TV show/reality dead then? That would make no sense this soon. What is Earth 1 going to do with an extra 3,000,000,000 people on it?

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Phew, only 4 out of 5 male characters apologized about their faillures. Could have been worse!

Hope there will be a Brainy VS Sisko moment!
Also Batwamen is very annoying... Dreading the next episode that'll have to watch.

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They didn't make a good job of introducing the crossover's villain. The character's death didn't hit me hard.

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Shout by ciku
BlockedParent2019-12-10T05:47:24Z— updated 2019-12-30T20:05:46Z

I really despise cross-over episodes in superhero tv shows. I don't watch the other shows for a reason but they keep following me around ugh. Only thing worse than corny cross-overs is cringey musical episodes. Cross-overs prove that the underlying storyline of a series doesn't matter because it can just be overlooked just to bring in other characters from their shows, there's just no substance and it's all about everyone dropping corny one-liners. I've had it with this show, I really liked it but this is the last straw. There's no way I can sit through a five part cross-over with characters from shows that I don't like and have no interest in watching. Disappointing.

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The Crisis has started. This crossover event started off strong! Can't wait to see what happens next!

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OK, maybe my view is a little clouded, since I watched nearly the whole season Batwoman over the course of the last few days, but this was excellent.
For those not watching Batwoman: You didn't really miss anything so far.
I might go further into that in a Batwoman comment/review (The two sentences I wrote so far don't count as a review) if I find the time to write one (and it gets picked up for a Season 2 which I'd say is about 50/50 if I take a look at the ratings).

The only real critique I have regarding this introductory episode is, that I'm missing Rachel from the Titans.
I get why Kory isn't that useful as she doesn't have her powers right now, but someone being able to control darkness should come in handy dealing with shadows wouldn't it?

To get back from what could have been to what is:
I am intrigued as to how this continues, since this was part one out of FIVE...

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This was pretty good but I can't believe how it ended. WTF it's the first episode. There better be some timey wimey or reality bending yet to come.

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Oh boy, I like the look of that image still from the show. :thumbsup:

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