Bisexual and lesbian aren't interchangable words?? Bisexual women aren't lesbians just because they're in sapphic relationships any more than bisexual women becoming 'straight' when they're dating a man. Bisexual is it's own identity, a bisexual person doesn't stop being bisexual when they start dating someone, that isn't them 'picking a side.'

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I like the show but sometimes the plot lines are like... "Really?! Are you twelve years old?" I mean Kat who is supposed to be a department head (for social media!!) at a major national magazine just signs away her picture rights without reading the contract and looking for stuff like a morality clause or other stuff that could protect her?

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Urgh really?
There's so many problems with some of the characters, dare I say, especially Jane.

She had this whole thing where she was out of Scarlet to grow as a person and a writer. Then she finally gets her job back, and almost immediately goes into a slump of how she can't do this or that like she lost her entire fire, basically reset to before-quite-Jane, and THEN she goes talking to Jacqueline AGAIN like some sort of x-months-earlier-Jane, trying to hide why she can't write it despite the girls (her) having gone through so many experiences of how it's better to be upfront with Jacqueline and how GOOD it is to do so, because Jacqueline will find out anyway, and usually gives good advice/is understanding. Which is way harder when they try to hide shit.

It's like Jane has learnt zero. It's so frustrating to see.
Also... THIS is "too personal"? Excuse me? All her best stories were good BECAUSE they were personal, because she had to dig, and scratch, and bleed to write them. UGH she's so annoying. Such a baby.

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