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The Boys: Season 2

2x08 What I Know

This does deserve a much longer comment/review but for now I just need to get this of my chest: As satisfying as the beatdown and ultimate defeat of Stormfront was, it is hard to come to terms with Kimiko being stronger and Ryan having that much more powerful lasers than Homelander (especially considering it was his first use). In their sexcapades they beat the shot out of each other and used the laser on erogenous zones which tend to be quite tender and Kimiko can beat her spitting blood and Ryans lasers in the making get through her Bones...

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Damn this finale was intense!!! That battle with Stormfront and girls was so hype! So glad she's dead, I couldn't stand her!

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‘But it is not about me. I can’t lash out like some raging, entitled maniac. That’s a white man’s luxury’ - Stan Edgar -

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Okay, this was good. Thumbs up.

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soooo satisfying watching her get her ass beat

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Man I just binged through the first 2 seasons and I must say I think this season finale feels more like 1 big fanale for season 1 and 2. It's like the first 2 seasons are really 1 big season together.

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is ironic how people masturbates to Nazis getting beating in a show that put the shallowness of corporate America. They are just pandering to you too, don't be shallow.

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Wow!Holy moly!Great finale,just great and super intense. Bravo to the 3 women's fight against Stormfront.I liked it

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fucking love the girl power moment

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They should have played "Geto Boys - Die MF" for that 3v1 beating. Just saying...

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Incredible finale! This show does NOT hold back — and I love it!

I probably rewatched the scene where the women kick Stormfront’s ass over a dozen times. Immensely gratifying. Tho I was hoping Kimiko would be the one to deal the final blow.

It was nice to see Butcher be a bit more sensible this time around. And kudos to Urban for a solid performance.

A stellar and wildly entertaining season overall. I’m excited to see what comes next!

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That final scene with Homelander? That's exactly what Donald Trump will be doing on inauguration day. Except on the White House lawn.

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Shout by Aars

Wow... an amazing mindblowing show! My main complaint is that I want MORE! Wished this had more episodes, 12 episodes seasons would be great!!
Also we need to appreciate that we have THREE ACTORS FROM TIMELESS!!!!!!! Rufus! Jiya! Garcia Flynn! Maybe this is the timeline after they messed something in the past! However I’m sad we won’t be seeing more of Alistair (Garcia) but we will definitely see more of Victoria (Jiya)
But speaking more seriously the only thing I disliked were a couple of the cliches, like Kimiko’s brother being “evil” and then being killed one episode later, and the worst cliche ever Becca’s death!!!!! Like how predictable was that!! And the worst part is her death didn’t make any sense, cause Ryan’s eye laser power BURNS so it would burn stormfront’s arms/torso so how did Becca end up with a CUT??? A cut from a burn?
Also Butcher had ONE JOB, take care of the kid so he doesn’t lose his humanity which would turn him into homelander jr, and WHAT’S THE FIRST THING HE DOES? Give the kid to the CIA... a good formula for disaster!
Can’t wait for season 3!!!

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All over the place. The writing was weak. This wasn't a great season overall but maybe my standards are just too high...

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Shout by Reiko LJ

The women of the show coming together to beat the shit out of a Nazi to the sound of Peaches. Doesn't get much better than that.

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what an intense episode! totally loved it, no complaints.

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The subtitle of this one should be “Girls get it fucking done”

Wonder why Nazi characters always have to make it about apple trees. Some romanticist notion probably. Still as silly as Stormfront’s bad German.

Well, Homelander is still alive, the boys might get an official title now and A-Train is probably going to fuck up again. And poor Deep, always ending up on the bottom. Lots of material for a new season. But at least give them all a little break.

Damn that ending though! Now we know that one little unsolved mystery. Wonder what her true motive is.

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Did anyone notice the parallels between Anakin Skywalker in Revenge of the Sith and Stormfront at the end of this episode?

For me, the best part was watching Stormfront getting beaten up.

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What an underwhelming snoozefest.
They should call this The Girls cause the are the only one who are actually not sobbing, whining and standing on the side the whole time.

Less talking about feelings and a bit more fleshed out action would have been better but I guess a 3 minute battle with the "big bad" and a good talking to is enough for most people. For me, it is not.

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The end of the season has been intense. Let's see what they do in season 3. That tribute to Love actually at the end of the episode

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A Japanese woman and a LGBT woman beating the living shit out of a Nazi
I call it Poetic Cinema chief kiss


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Fucking amazing. Girls get it done was the best part of the hole chapter, i knew queen maeve would eventuall do something.

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Homelander can do whatever the Fuck he wants!

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Very fun and exciting finale to a season that is a clear step-up from the first one. Anthony Starr is already a great scene-stealer last time, but this season he really becomes the show's whole MVP.

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It's been a solid season. I enjoyed Stormfront's comeuppance but her injuries - and Becca's for that matter - from Ryan's attack made no sense. I get she would lose her arm (since that's how she was holding Becca) but how did she also lose both her legs and be burned all down one side of her face? Not to mention Becca gets some slice across the throat at the same time?! I'm sure Stormfront will be back as 2.0 at some point next season, even if it's as the finale cliffhanger.

The church storyline kinda seemed to go nowhere since A-Train is back in the Seven, The Deep has seemingly walked out, and the leader (a wasted Goran Visnjic) is dead. I wondered if there was going to be something to the drink they were always pushing on people...

Nevertheless, it was a great episode and set up our heroes and anti-heroes in an interesting place for season 3.

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When Stormfront is speaking German, it's actually pretty good, but with strong accents. She's saying: "Do you remember that day, Frederick, Cloe put her arms out the car window. We found the perfect spot by the river in the shade of an apple tree. It was the first time Cloe ate fresh apples."

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A season finale done right ("The Walking Dead" needs to take notes).

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Always trying new ways to get into our heads.

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That was a bitch fight I didn't know I needed! Loved that Maeve got involved too. I doubt that this was the last we saw of Stormfront though, they could do a Dark Vader style twist with her there. I also don't know what that congress woman's deal is now, is she pro Vought? But her campaign is against Vought... what is the deal with that. Glad they showed us her head popping skills though, nice setup for season 3.

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I will cling on to this show no matter what!

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This is an entertaining show but overall this season was kind of flat and the show has this feeling of self importance that was never earned

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Well, saw that coming; makes sense though.

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Did not see that final reveal coming.

This finale was a mixed bag. It took some artistic liberties but the final 5 minutes salvaged it a bit.

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This episode was something omg and best of the season, of the show, so much pay off to what they were building and terrific performance by the actors and writers. Homelander is in an interesting will be good to see what he does during season 3 and that ending omg. S3 looks super exciting already.

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