"The rest of us drop like flies, but she goes on and on."

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Ngl as much as I still love the overall show I was slightly disappointed by this season.

The cast change is jarring at first but I did get used to the actors by the end. Although as much as I love them I think some of them didn't live up to the expectations set by last seasons actors. I think the change should have happened at the end of this season. Too much of a difference at first when there is only one year difference in Elizabeth's age at the beginning of the season.

What I was most disappointed by was the storylines. They rehashed quite a lot from the first two seasons. Also I think it was way too fast paced. They skipped quite a few historical events that I thought would be interesting.

My favorite parts were the Charles and Lord Monutbattan episodes. And scenes with Anne were fantastic.

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We skipped 15 years or so ahead into the lives of the Royal Family, but don't worry - everything is the same. Prince Phillip is the same snippy grouch capable of incredibly flippant viciousness. He perhaps experiences more bouts of self-awareness, but compare the Phillip we saw at the end of season 2 to the one in the season finale. Has he really changed? Queen Elizabeth is the same stoic queen whose dedication to the crown would make Queen Mary very proud. Prince Charles and Princess Anne introduce new elements, but their presence is too sparse to leave the lasting impact I think they could have. I think the show overextends itself a bit, trying to cover too many storylines while fitting them into the significant historical moments of Elizabeth's reign. Having said all that, I loved the finale. If there is one storyline that always delivers, it's Queen Margaret's regardless of who is playing her. Helena Bonham's performance evokes tremendous sympathy, impressive considering how much of her life has been skipped since she last took the spotlight like this. Also Marion Bailey is a full on fucking psychopath as Queen Mother.

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«It’s only fallen apart if we say it has. That’s the thing about the monarchy. We paper over the cracks. And if what we do is loud and grand and confident enough, no one will notice that all around us it’s fallen apart. That’s the point of us. Not us. Of you. You cannot flinch. Because if you show a single crack, we’ll see it isn’t a crack, but a chasm, and we’ll all fall in. So you must hold it all together».

«In frantumi solo se noi lo diciamo. Questa è la forza della monarchia. Nascondiamo le crepe. E se ciò che facciamo è vistoso, grandioso e forte abbastanza, nessuno si accorgerà che tutto il contorno cade a pezzi. Questo facciamo noi. Non noi. Lo fai tu. Tu non puoi esitare. Perché se mostri anche solo una crepa, vedremo che non è una crepa, ma un burrone, e ci cadremo tutti dentro. Quindi tu devi mantenere il controllo».

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Simply the best television series out there. What a joy to watch these amazing actors bring this amazing history to life. I cannot wait for season 4.

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Well, this season notably had a different tone than the previous two and not just because of the cast change or the introduction of new characters. It definitely more character-driven as it focused more on the stories of the characters rather than the history and politics, not as many historical events were covered here which made it less serious and less informative than what we were used to. It was still good but a tiny bit disappointing.

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Every season I’ve had favorite characters and arcs, very influenced by the actors portraying them. This one, without a doubt were Margaret (again), Charles and Anne. Great development, greater performances

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Went through this episode on fast forward. What a dissapointing finale.

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While I do think season 3 is my least favourite season, this episode is probably my favourite one I’ve watched.

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God save the Queen. Long may she reign.

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