I can hardly put in words how much I love this show. This episode was unbelievably good. Emma Corrin as Diana is just fantastic. The storyline in this episode tackles Charles and Diana‘s tour of Australia and New Zealand. And I must say it‘s so sad at times. Nevertheless extremely well done episode. Also especially the final scene with Diana‘s audience at Buckingham Palace was so brilliant.

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What a beautiful episode - heartwarming and heartbreaking all at once.

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It's really good to see in this season how Elizabeth questions the nature of her motherhood, reign, and sometimes even the institution of the monarchy istelf, as opposed to the beginning: trying to balance Elizabeth of Windsor and Queen Elizabeth, only to stick with the latter and banish the other, all the way through when she was looking down on and judging everyone and everything, even her own son, showing the image of a heartless, loveless person. I thought Aberfan will remain the eye of the storm, the only moment of clarity where we see she doesn't want to be a ruler as she is, showing regret and remorse, but this season picks up that inner conflict, not just letting her realize she was (and still is) a bad mother, but through Diana she questions that maybe treating people with kindess instead of royal hostility should be a new norm. "This whole thing, it starts and stops with you." Diana is damn well right, and it's great how cruical of a moment this is for both of them, especially arc-crossing wise.

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«Then the greatest act of service that I can give to the Crown as princess is not to be some meek little wife follow the gray prince around like some smiling doll, but to be a living breathing, present mother, bringing up this child in the hopes that the boy that will one day become king still have a vestige of humanity in him. God knows he’s not going to be getting it from any of his courtiers».

«Il più grande servizio che io possa rendere alla Corona come principessa non è essere una piccola moglie mite che segue il grande principe in giro come una bambolina, ma essere una madre presente che vive e respira, che cresce questo bambino sperando che il ragazzo che un giorno diventerà re riesca a conservare qualche traccia di umanità, perché Dio solo sa che i suoi cortigiani non hanno idea di cosa sia».

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«A tight, rather desperate hug. But it’s possible that she has a point? We are rather a tough bunch in this family. We don’t give out much praise or love or thanks. Perhaps Diana is best placed to [...] to connect with the modern world. And isn’t that how the Crown survives and stays relevant? By changing with the times».

«Un abbraccio stretto e disperato. (...) Ma è possibile che non abbia torto? Siamo ossi duri in questa famiglia. Non distribuiamo complimenti o gesti d’amore o ringraziamenti. Diciamo che una persona come Diana potrebbe [...] comunicare in modo nuovo. E così la Corona sopravvivrebbe, conserverebbe la sua importanza, rinnovandosi».

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The episode where we finally started hating the Queen. The decay of once a heroine.

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