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The Flash: Season 1

1x22 Rogue Air

I really don't want to see this episode.... I just know with Captain Cold's terrible acting it's going to be toecurlingly bad again.....
But since it's probably an important part of the story I guess I have to watch it.

I was so hoping to never see that terrible duo again.... but sadly, here they are again :(

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Shout by moko

im a bit confused about how oliver had time to ditch his assassining and come help when back in arrow he's seemingly 100% committed to the league

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The fight scenes are bad so bad!

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Ayyy we finally got to see the suit come out of the ring, can’t wait to see Barry do that.

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@possami wentworth Miller is a good actor, guy from prison break playing captain cold is great, he’s just a little bit of an annoying character.

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Oliver’s not even aloud to take a walk by himself at this point, yet he’s aloud to hop off and help Barry.

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Shout by FinFan

Everytime I read "Rogue" in the title my gaze is directed upwards in that please-no fashion. That part of the episode was, again, very weak. When they started transporting them you knew they were going to get out and there would have been so many simple ways to prevent had they wanted to. Does that mean that instead of comming up with new silly wanna-be-villains we now have to go through the same ones again ?
At least the end was good.

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Is it me or is anyone else slightly upset that everyone keeps calling Eobard 'Wells' and thereby trashing the reputation of Wells further when really he has been dead for years and all bad things happening are Eobard's doing.
Poor Eddie too, he is just broken now and I can see where the story is heading for him.

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I really REALLY hop they don't cast that Snart guy and his retarded siblings for season 2.. He's so terrible to watch.. every episode with him drops at least 2 points in rating for me

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"You're not as dark as Oliver." Preparing the season finale

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Following both Flash and Arrow, I'll have to say that Flash has only got better and better throughout the season, something Arrow didn't managed, quite the opposite.

It was great seeing Barry stepping up and becoming more confident and independent! Next season wont been anything other then awsome. =)

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Stephen, Grant, Robbie = My Dream Team

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Mind BLOWN! I can't believe how great this show is!

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Shout by Deleted

I just have one question: Cisco made the cold gun and gold gun. Why didn't he just make another one in stead of asking for help. Or even better why didn't they just move them alone it all worked perfectly... -_-

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I got legitimately excited when Firestorm and Arrow showed up. Unexpected and pretty cool.

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Shout by Samy

It's always nice to see Oliver Queen when you least expect it! I guess we're going to see Barry in Arrow's finale then! YAY

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man im looking forward to this corssover they better not troll me again!
the last 5 ep i looked at the cast for the eps weeks ahead and many had arrow in them but then when the ep aired no arrow and the cast changed -_-

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