Killer Frost from Earth 2 had a brother, so if Caitlin has powers now in this new timeline, I bet she has a brother as well.
Nice easter egg with Dawson's Creek playing in the background of the diner scene with John Wesley Shipp.

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I am glad he realised his mistakes and knows that he can’t just go back in time to fix things without consequences

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I know that Barry didn’t really know how badly things would get affected by what he did but I am so mad at him for it. But yippee a kiss that will be remembered with them both:joy:

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Don’t like Julian but I love Julian because draco malfoy and I’m a massive Harry Potter fan. The flash is such a messy show because of all the time travel, season 2 is Bassically completely different yet we don’t know how so it’s like we’re watching a different show yet the only constant is Barry.

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Whoa!!! Draco Malfoy, I did not expect this pure-blood wizard at this place. These 2 episodes of season is may be worth gold, loving it!!

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So this is really how they went on with the story ?! All that is telling me is that the writers/producers weren't satisfied with the way things were after the end of Zoom so they decided to use this as a tool to have an excuse to do whatever they want. And right now, two episodes after I really thought this had become a good show, I am looking for reasons not to drop out here.

And one thing I've been asking myself for a long time now: why hasn't anyone showed Barry how to fight ? He's still getting beat up a lot and only intervention from prevented him from being killed.

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Please, someone kill to iris

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Give me back baby Sara

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So basically Tom Felton is Malfoy without magic or blonde hair but just as much of a dick. As a HP fan it's still awesome to see him this season, despite how much I hate his attitude towards Barry. Overall, a really enjoyable episode. And what do you know, Felicity wasn't as annoying as I expected her to be.

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Consequences of what was done in the season finale part 2

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well, one thing definitely didn't change after barry toyed with the timeline, his and Iris's relationship is still boring and weird. otherwise a great episode.

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Shout by Vero

After two episodes I read missed the intro, which should be slightly changed.
My name is Barry Allen, and I screwed everyone's lives. To my friends from another time line I am an ordinary speedster, but secretly with the help of my time in the speedforce I learnt nothing and changed entirely the time line to save my mom and dad. I kidnapped the man who killed my mom, but in doing so, another speedster sent Kid Flash into a comma and my memories were almost gone. And I am the only one dumb enough to go back in time again. I am screwed.
I can totally see it

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TV rule:
Where there is a time traveling episode, there is always someone to draw fork timeline analogy on a board...

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What a fantastic episode! Barry continues to understand the error of his ways and tries to deal with them in his own way. I really love the Barry and Cisco dynamic this episode. Cisco being able to help Barry but also not be OK with what Barry did makes their relationship the most intriguing so far. The new big bad is finally not a speedster. Here is to another great season!

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Shout by Sara B

Thank god they undid the Flashpoint universe I can handle a couple differences, I can't handle a new universe.

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Stop messing with the timeline Barry! Now things are gonna be this way permanently? Killer frost is back but good... and how can Alchemy be more powerful than a speedster. This is bad news.

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Shout by Deleted

What's Malfoy doing here?

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Yes, this is somthing that can't be change.

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Very solid episode. Barry continues to find out the hard way the repercussions of messing with the timeline.

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It's so good how the writers tie in the 1990 Flash with this current series, and.. was that Dawson's Creek (1998) I just saw?

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