Absolutely fantastic! It reminded me so much of the Classic Top Gear Specials. Recent Specials were good but they were all missing something - they all felt a bit too scripted. This however was brilliant! One of the best Specials they ever did imo

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Genuinely, I think that was among their best work. Including their top gear days.

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Hahahahha love the ending pictures:joy:

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The first half was quite enjoyable, as a slightly biased Norwegian I'd say I've seen the concept before, expect first 5 minutes in Norway, then onto Sweden and a grand finale in Finland. Yet, the first part was good, Sweden section alright, then Finland was a bunch of fake BS lol. I know they script a lot of stuff, but here it felt truly stupid, non believeable and even for TG/GT standards poor acting.

Long story short, put em in some semi scripted situation you can catch gold. Full script it it's just terrible.

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I think we've been over the part where this show can be considered as a car show. It's just about three petrolhead who bickering with each other and drive from A to B. Okay the part where Hammond tried to go up to the mountain with a sled was aggravatingly stupid. I hope that these kind of specials will come much more frequently...

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Amazing show i love the EVO

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Their worst Amazon episode hands down-too far fetched. I think because the Cambodia/Vietnam & Madagascar episodes were so good

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One of their craziest shit and it was so good!!!

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Considering the "cinematic" start, I thought it was gonna be another self indulging streak of nature panoramas, like theirs most recent episodes. I was wrong.
I wish there were actually 3 cars that fitted the criteria/ category. That felt a bit Meh...
Even with some of the "not scripted/totally random" events being poorly sold/acted, I think this ended up being one of their best films.

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Top Gear Specials is back!

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Wow! I got quite, both teary and happy at the end.
What a phenomenal special! The trio finally captured the good ol' classic Top Gear vibe.

It was quite really one of the best Grand Tour special. With the legendary rally cars and the bickering between these three really portrayed some very memorable moments.

I was laughing my ass off watching Hammond try to take that skii lift. Haven't laughed like this in a long time.

Please do yourself a favor and watch this episode.

I hope they take their time for the next special - even if there is one. And if its the last one, what an end this is for their career!!


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Did i miss the moment when Hammond passed his jinx to May?

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This one was amazing. Brought back Top Gear memories. That "Hangover" style end-credits was brilliant! :rofl:

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Shout by flyingfinn

Probably the best grand tour they did this far!

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