Just became my newest favourite show, the acting is top notch and can't wait for more of it.

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Surprisingly good !! Let’s hope it stays that way!!!

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annoying, the people in this universe should be eliminated.

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People liked this? Was just idiotic

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Holy shit, Chiwetel was absolutely amazing in this.

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Seems like it has potential, let's hope they can keep it up... then again, it's directed by Kurtzman... so, yeah.

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Well so far so good!
Really enjoying this show...

Good story line and great humour too...…..

Hope it keeps the momentum going.

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I want to like this. Do well.

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I really enjoyed the opening episode. I winder if he is prtending to be a tech mogul or something or was he an actual alien

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Wow! This episode is mind blowing. May be the best series opener I’ve ever seen.

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Chiwetel is excellent, along with the rest of the cast. And the show has a surprisingly good mix of sci-fi, drama and humor. Hope this goes the distance!

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Was he doing a Ted Talk about being an alien? Incomprehensible

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Truth be told I expected this to be all kinds of bad. But I was genuinely surprised and enjoyed it a lot. It's really great. Then I read Alex Kurtzman at the end and I was like "no way !"

Now I don't know if I should rejoice or be afraid where this will go.

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aka the Chiwetel Ejiofor comedy hour

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